Mussorgsky Boris Godunov - Alexandre Melik-Pashaev
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f40d99ddc5318148896a8dbeb54ada5f448e592d&dn=Mussorgsky Boris Godunov - Alexandre Melik-Pashaev
816.62 MB
2017-1-12 01:32
2025-3-24 01:59
CD 2/19-Tret'e dejstvie - Dimitrij! Tsarevich! (Dimitri! Tsarevich!).flac 32.49 MB
CD 2/08-Vtoroe dejstvie - A, preslavnyj vitija (Ah, it's you, glorious orator).flac 27.28 MB
CD 2/06-Vtoroe dejstvie - Dostig ja vysshej vlasti (I have achieved absolute power).flac 25.53 MB
CD 1/12-Pervoe dejstvie - Bozhe krepkij, pravyj (Oh Lord, strong and righteous).flac 24.67 MB
CD 1/21-Pervoe dejstvie - Chto zh ty ne podtjagivaesh' (Why don't you sing along).flac 23.73 MB
CD 3/10-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Smirennyj inok, v delach mirskich (A humble monk, inexperienced in judging).flac 22.66 MB
CD 2/14-Tret'e dejstvie - A! Ach, eto vy, moj otec! (Ah! Oh, it's you, my father!).flac 21.65 MB
CD 1/11-Pervoe dejstvie - Eshche odno poslednee skazan'e (Just one more final story).flac 21.34 MB
CD 3/12-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Proshchaj, moj syn, umiraju (Farewell, my son, I am dying).flac 21.15 MB
CD 2/18-Tret'e dejstvie - Vashej strasti ja ne verju, pane (I do not believe in your passion, sir).flac 19.91 MB
CD 3/05-Chetvertoe dejstvie - A-a-a-a.flac 19.67 MB
CD 3/13-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Zvon! Pogrebal'nyj zvon! (A bell! A knell!).flac 17.61 MB
CD 2/20-Tret'e dejstvie - O, Tsarevich, umoljaju (Oh, Tsarevich, I beg you).flac 17.59 MB
CD 1/08-Prolog - Da zdravstvuet car' Boris Feodorovich! (Long live Tsar Boris Feodorovich!).flac 17.43 MB
CD 2/10-Vtoroe dejstvie - Uf, tjazhelo! Daj duch perevedu (Phew! I feel terrible!).flac 17.19 MB
CD 1/23-Pervoe dejstvie - Chto ty na menja tak pristal'no smotrish'_ (What are you staring at me like that for_).flac 17.03 MB
CD 1/06-Prolog - Slava Tebe, Tvorcu Vsevyshnemu (Glory to Thee, Creator on high).flac 16.7 MB
CD 2/13-Tret'e dejstvie - Skuchno Marine. Ach, kak skuchno-to! (Marina is bored. Oh, how bored!).flac 16.69 MB
CD 2/05-Vtoroe dejstvie - Chego_ (What's the matter_).flac 16.37 MB
CD 1/03-Prolog - Na kogo ty nas pokidaesh (Who are you abandoning us to).flac 14.8 MB
CD 3/18-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Gajda! (Hurrah!).flac 14.41 MB
CD 2/17-Tret'e dejstvie - V polnoch'... v sadu... u fontana (At midnight... in the garden... by the fountain).flac 14.26 MB
CD 3/09-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Chur... chur, sheptal (He was whispering 'go away... go away...'.flac 14.03 MB
CD 3/02-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Chto, otoshla obednja_ (What, is mass finished already_).flac 13.96 MB
CD 3/19-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Domine, Domine, salvum fac.flac 13.6 MB
CD 1/05-Prolog - Pravoslavnye! Neumolim bojarin! (Orthodox folk! The boyar is implacable).flac 13.52 MB
CD 3/16-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Ne sokol letit (It's not a falcon).flac 13.39 MB
CD 1/09-Prolog - Slorbit dusha (My soul is sad).flac 12.54 MB
CD 2/16-Tret'e dejstvie - Chto_ Derzkij lzhec! (What_ You impudent liar!).flac 11.93 MB
CD 1/10-Prolog - Slava! Slava! Slava! (Glory! Glory! Glory!).flac 11.7 MB
CD 3/07-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Chto zh_ (Well then_).flac 11.43 MB
CD 1/13-Pervoe dejstvie - Ne setuj, brat, chto rano greshnyj svet (Do not complain, brother, that you abandoned).flac 11.34 MB
CD 1/22-Pervoe dejstvie - Starcy smirennye, inoki cestnye (We are humble elders, honest monks).flac 11.24 MB
CD 2/03-Vtoroe dejstvie - Kak komar drova rubil (A gnat was chopping wood).flac 11.22 MB
CD 2/11-Tret'e dejstvie - Na Visle lazurnoj (By the skyblue waters of the Vistula).flac 10.92 MB
CD 1/20-Pervoe dejstvie - Kak vo gorode bylo, vo Kazani (Here's what happened at the town of Kazan).flac 10.5 MB
CD 3/03-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Trrr, rrr, rrr, rrr!.flac 10.28 MB
CD 2/12-Tret'e dejstvie - Dovol'no! (Enough!).flac 9.86 MB
CD 3/22-Chetvertoe dejstvie - My, Dimitrij Ivanovich (We, Dimitri Ivanovich).flac 9.42 MB
CD 3/23-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Lejtes', lejtes', slezy gor'kie! (Flow, flow, bitter tears!).flac 9.42 MB
CD 2/09-Vtoroe dejstvie - V Ugliche, v sobore (In Uglich, in the cathedral).flac 9.09 MB
CD 2/15-Tret'e dejstvie - Rech'ju ljubovnoju, nezhnoju, pylkoju (With tender, ardent words of love).flac 8.7 MB
CD 3/15-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Vali sjuda! Na pen' sadi (Bring him over here! Sit him on the stump).flac 8.29 MB
CD 1/19-Pervoe dejstvie - Chto zh ty prizadumalsja, tovarishch_ (Why have you fallen into thought, comrade_).flac 8.19 MB
CD 1/07-Prolog - Introdukcija.flac 8.16 MB
CD 3/08-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Zhal, Shujskogo net knjazja (What a shame that prince Shuisky isn't here).flac 8.03 MB
CD 1/24-Pervoe dejstvie - A... let... le-t... a le-t emu (And his aage... and his aage....flac 7.95 MB
CD 1/17-Pervoe dejstvie - Pojmala ja siza seleznja (I caughg a grey drake).flac 7.88 MB
CD 1/04-Prolog - Na kogo ty nas pokidaesh (Who are you abandoning us to).flac 7.59 MB
CD 2/04-Vtoroe dejstvie - Skazochka pro to i pro se (My little tale is about this and that).flac 7.28 MB
CD 2/02-Vtoroe dejstvie - Au! Polno, carevna, golubushka! (Oh, that's enough, princess, my dear!).flac 7.08 MB
CD 1/01-Prolog - Introdukcija.flac 6.94 MB
CD 1/14-Pervoe dejstvie - Zvonjat k zautrene (They are ringing for matins).flac 6.88 MB
CD 3/01-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Introdukcija.flac 6.79 MB
CD 1/18-Pervoe dejstvie - Ty potesh' menja (Give me some fun).flac 6.51 MB
CD 3/17-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Solnce, luna pomerknuli (The sun and moon have grown dark).flac 6.28 MB
CD 3/04-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Kormilec batjushka (Our father and benefactor).flac 6.07 MB
CD 1/15-Pervoe dejstvie - Boris, Boris! Vse pred toboj trepeshchet (Boris, Boris! Everything trembles before you).flac 5.36 MB
CD 1/16-Pervoe dejstvie - Introdukcija.flac 4.94 MB
CD 2/07-Vtoroe dejstvie - Ty zachem_ (What have you come for_).flac 4.65 MB
CD 2/01-Vtoroe dejstvie - Gde ty, zhenich moj (Where are you, my betrothed).flac 4.64 MB
CD 3/21-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Slava tebe, tsarevichu, Bogom spasennomu (Glory to you, Tsarevich, saved by the Lord).flac 4.16 MB
CD 3/20-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Slava tebe, tsarevichu, Bogom spasennomu (Glory to you, Tsarevich, saved by the Lord).flac 4.06 MB
CD 3/11-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Tsarevicha skorej! (The Tsarevich, quickly!).flac 3.29 MB
CD 1/02-Prolog - Nu, chto zh vy_ (Well then, what's wrong with you_).flac 2.66 MB
CD 3/06-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Introdukcija.flac 2.65 MB
CD 3/14-Chetvertoe dejstvie - Introdukcija.flac 2.03 MB