[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - React Redux Firebase CRUD Application with Authentication
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d6a74be36a1e16fe7fd186056eafe5d76775b092&dn=[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - React Redux Firebase CRUD Application with Authentication
1.87 GB
2019-12-11 18:46
2025-3-11 03:53
1. Modern JavaScript/1. Modern JavaScript.mp4 7.18 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/10. Restructuring.mp4 29.81 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/11. Spread and rest operators.mp4 42.03 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/12. Class constructor super.mp4 102.39 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/2. Creating variables using const.mp4 16.85 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/3. Creating variables using let.mp4 17.44 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/4. Template strings.mp4 24.31 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/5. Default parameters.mp4 13.78 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/6. Arrow functions.mp4 30.07 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/7. Arrow functions and this keyword.mp4 46.02 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/8. Destructuring object.mp4 42.21 MB
1. Modern JavaScript/9. Destructuring array.mp4 13.19 MB
10. Login, Logout, User Actions and Reducers/1. Dispatch social login method on click event.mp4 15.52 MB
10. Login, Logout, User Actions and Reducers/2. Get user action creator and reducer.mp4 14.88 MB
10. Login, Logout, User Actions and Reducers/3. Getting logged in user info.mp4 10.16 MB
10. Login, Logout, User Actions and Reducers/4. Moving routes.mp4 24.19 MB
10. Login, Logout, User Actions and Reducers/5. Implement logout.mp4 7.42 MB
11. Managing Notes and User Status/1. Dispatching notes status.mp4 12.66 MB
11. Managing Notes and User Status/2. Dispatching users status.mp4 5.14 MB
12. Loading and Authenticated Components/1. Loading reducer.mp4 13.2 MB
12. Loading and Authenticated Components/2. Loading component part one.mp4 21.45 MB
12. Loading and Authenticated Components/3. Loading component part two.mp4 33.47 MB
12. Loading and Authenticated Components/4. Authenticated component.mp4 38.66 MB
13. Redirects, Permissions and Note Details/1. Redirect users to login or home page.mp4 21.82 MB
13. Redirects, Permissions and Note Details/2. Styling landing page.mp4 16.74 MB
13. Redirects, Permissions and Note Details/4. Permission to delete note.mp4 12.69 MB
13. Redirects, Permissions and Note Details/5. Display note details.mp4 19.03 MB
14. Commenting System/1. Submit comment component.mp4 20.74 MB
14. Commenting System/2. Comment onChange and onSubmit.mp4 27.05 MB
14. Commenting System/3. Push comments to firebase.mp4 26.99 MB
14. Commenting System/4. Rendering comments.mp4 24.71 MB
15. Note Update/1. Note update page.mp4 18.82 MB
15. Note Update/2. Populate note content to update.mp4 25.53 MB
15. Note Update/3. Implementing update note.mp4 14.87 MB
16. User profile and styling/1. Redirect to login page.mp4 21.42 MB
16. User profile and styling/2. Give a modern look with awesome CSS.mp4 34.02 MB
16. User profile and styling/3. User profile on side.mp4 18.65 MB
16. User profile and styling/4. Styling loading component.mp4 17.71 MB
17. Deploying to Firebase Hosting/1. Deploy to firebase hosting.mp4 34.42 MB
18. Understanding How Redux Works/1. Learning redux.mp4 8.71 MB
18. Understanding How Redux Works/2. How redux works part one.mp4 17.2 MB
18. Understanding How Redux Works/3. How redux works part two.mp4 18.57 MB
18. Understanding How Redux Works/4. How redux works part three.mp4 15.35 MB
2. React Basic/1. Installing react.mp4 102.39 MB
2. React Basic/2. React files and folders introduction.mp4 60.82 MB
2. React Basic/3. Storing data in component state via ajax call.mp4 86.11 MB
2. React Basic/4. Rendering state data using map.mp4 52.48 MB
2. React Basic/5. Conditional rendering.mp4 32.21 MB
2. React Basic/6. Imports exports props.mp4 85.38 MB
2. React Basic/7. Handling click events.mp4 81.61 MB
2. React Basic/8. Destructuring inline styling and keys.mp4 51.05 MB
3. Installation, Folder Structure and Setup/1. Installing react and friends.mp4 15.58 MB
3. Installation, Folder Structure and Setup/2. Introduction to files and folder structure.mp4 18.05 MB
3. Installation, Folder Structure and Setup/3. Setup bootstrap and firebase.mp4 20.04 MB
4. Forms, Events and Data Snapshots - React with Firebase/1. Creating a form.mp4 14.12 MB
4. Forms, Events and Data Snapshots - React with Firebase/2. Handling onChange event.mp4 16.17 MB
4. Forms, Events and Data Snapshots - React with Firebase/3. Handling onSubmit and saving to firebase realtime database.mp4 23.52 MB
4. Forms, Events and Data Snapshots - React with Firebase/4. Getting snapshot from firebase.mp4 47.14 MB
5. Redux store, Action Creators and Reducers/2. Creating redux store.mp4 12.52 MB
5. Redux store, Action Creators and Reducers/3. Redux action types and action creators.mp4 14.86 MB
5. Redux store, Action Creators and Reducers/4. Creating reducers and combine reducers.mp4 16.8 MB
5. Redux store, Action Creators and Reducers/5. Passing reducers to redux store.mp4 8.14 MB
6. Connect and Implement CRUD in React Redux Application/1. Connecting react with redux.mp4 37.27 MB
6. Connect and Implement CRUD in React Redux Application/2. Create and read using redux.mp4 12.07 MB
6. Connect and Implement CRUD in React Redux Application/3. Delete note.mp4 13.48 MB
7. More on React Components/1. Using children components.mp4 10.37 MB
7. More on React Components/2. Converting to functional stateless component.mp4 7.66 MB
7. More on React Components/3. Login page markup.mp4 10.48 MB
8. Navigation/1. Building navbar.mp4 29.11 MB
8. Navigation/2. Adding links and inline styling.mp4 11.83 MB
9. Authentication Setup/1. Enable authentication options in firebase.mp4 12.61 MB
9. Authentication Setup/2. Authentication action creator.mp4 11.42 MB