Swift Fundamentals LiveLessons. Parts I
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7.66 GB
2016-8-29 23:04
2025-3-13 06:00
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/61.Array Methods sort and sorted.mp4 646.06 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/58.Adding and Removing Array Elements.mp4 498.76 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/56.Creating and Initializing Arrays.mp4 415.71 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/44.Introducing Enumerations and Tuples - Introducing Enumeration (enum) Types.mp4 364.47 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/68.Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation—Class DeckOfCards, Reference -Type Arrays and an Introduction to Optionals.mp4 328.18 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/69.Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation—Shuffling and Dealing Cards, and Unwrapping Optional Values with Optional Binding and th.mp4 321.35 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/49.External Parameter Names.mp4 292.05 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/70.Passing Arrays to Functions by value and by reference.mp4 273.33 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/71.Multidimensional Arrays.mp4 261.37 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/59.Subscript Expressions with Ranges—Slicing an Array.mp4 247.63 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/53.Nested Functions.mp4 220.11 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/45.Introducing Enumerations and Tuples - Tuples and Multiple Function Return Types.mp4 219.96 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/65.Reducing an Array's Elements to a Single Value.mp4 202.61 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/66.Combining Filtering, Mapping and Reducing.mp4 200.67 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/72.Variadic parameters.mp4 189.2 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/63.Filtering an Array.mp4 188.65 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/47.Scope of Declarations.mp4 168.76 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/46.Introducing Enumerations and Tuples - Tuples as Function Arguments.mp4 145.12 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/30.Increment and Decrement Operators.mp4 140.33 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/62.Array Methods filter, map and reduce—Introduction to Internal Iteration.mp4 131.77 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/67.Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation—Class Card and an Introduction to Computed Properties.mp4 129.39 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/43.Introducing Enumerations and Tuples - Dice Game Example.mp4 126.86 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/64.Mapping an Array's Elements to New Values.mp4 124.34 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/54.Lesson Introduction.mp4 120.92 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/48.Function and Method Overloading.mp4 109.36 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/31.switch Conditional Statement.mp4 107.25 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/60.Closures and Closure Expressions.mp4 96.41 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/26.Software Engineering with Access Modifiers.mp4 95.68 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/41.Multiple -Parameter Function Definition.mp4 93.5 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/50.Default Parameter Values.mp4 84.23 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/57.Iterating Through Arrays.mp4 79.79 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/34.for…in Loop Statement and the Range Operators - Iterating over Collections of Values with Closed Ranges.mp4 78.17 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/40.Lesson Introduction.mp4 77.42 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/39.Logical Operators.mp4 71.47 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/35.for…in Loop Statement and the Range Operators - Compound -Interest Calculations with for…in.mp4 71.24 MB
Lesson 6. Arrays and an Introduction to Closures/55.Array overview.mp4 68.27 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/14.Account Class - Defining a Class.mp4 55.96 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/51.Passing Arguments by Value or by Reference.mp4 54.78 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/36.for Loop Statement.mp4 49.55 MB
Lesson 1. Introduction to Swift and Xcode 6/03.Swift Introduction.mp4 48.48 MB
Lesson 2. Introduction to Swift Programming/11.Addition program—Introducing the arithmetic operators and overflow checking.mp4 48.47 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/42.Random -Number Generation - Rolling a Six -Sided Die 20 Times.mp4 40.43 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/38.continue Statement.mp4 35.24 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/18.Account Class - Defining a Class's Behaviors as Methods.mp4 34.81 MB
Lesson 1. Introduction to Swift and Xcode 6/05.Creating Swift Apps with Xcode 6 - Creating a Project.mp4 33.48 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/17.Account Class - Initializing a Class's Properties with init.mp4 32.37 MB
Lesson 5. Functions and Methods. A Deeper Look, enums and Tuples/52.Recursion.mp4 31.76 MB
Before You Begin/01.Setting up your Development Environment.mp4 30.59 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/15.Account Class - Defining a Class Attribute as a Stored Property.mp4 27.76 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/28.if and if…else Conditional Statements and the Ternary Conditional Operator.mp4 27.48 MB
Lesson 2. Introduction to Swift Programming/07.A First Swift Program - Printing a Line of Text.mp4 25.33 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/22.Creating and Using Account Objects - Creating Objects and Calling an Initializer.mp4 24.92 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/25.Value Types vs. Reference Types.mp4 23.09 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/21.Creating and Using Account Objects - Defining a Function—formatAccountString.mp4 22.5 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/20.Creating and Using Account Objects - Creating and Configuring an NSNumberFormatter to Format Currency Values.mp4 21.55 MB
Lesson 2. Introduction to Swift Programming/12.The if Conditional Statement and the Comparative Operators.mp4 21.27 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/16.Account Class - Defining a public Stored Property with a private Setter.mp4 20.3 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/13.Lesson Introduction.mp4 19.53 MB
Lesson 1. Introduction to Swift and Xcode 6/04.Creating Swift Apps with Xcode 6 - Creating a Playground.mp4 15.62 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/37.break Statement.mp4 14.41 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/23.Creating and Using Account Objects - Calling Methods on Objects—Depositing into Account Objects.mp4 14.25 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/19.Creating and Using Account Objects - Importing the Foundation Framework.mp4 12.86 MB
Lesson 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Functions/24.Creating and Using Account Objects - Calling Methods on Objects—Withdrawing from Account Objects.mp4 12.35 MB
Lesson 2. Introduction to Swift Programming/08.Displaying a Single Line of Text with Multiple Statements.mp4 11.4 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/27.Lesson Introduction.mp4 10.25 MB
Lesson 2. Introduction to Swift Programming/09.Displaying Multiple Lines of Text with a Single Statement.mp4 10.03 MB
Lesson 2. Introduction to Swift Programming/06.Lesson Introduction.mp4 6.7 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/32.while Loop Statement and an Introduction to the Xcode playground timeline.mp4 5.77 MB
Lesson 1. Introduction to Swift and Xcode 6/02.Introduction.mp4 4.85 MB
Lesson 4. Control Statements; Assignment, Increment and Logical Operators/29.Compound Assignment Operators.mp4 2.87 MB