Modern Computer Vision PyTorch, Tensorflow2 Keras and OpenCV4__2022-02udemy
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a0a05ab2621e7dd31069d66a87ad605ac5c13007&dn=Modern Computer Vision PyTorch, Tensorflow2 Keras and OpenCV4__2022-02udemy
253.47 MB
2023-8-7 13:59
2025-3-23 11:14
01 Introduction/1 Course Introduction.mkv 1.6 MB
01 Introduction/2 Course Overview.mkv 1.46 MB
01 Introduction/3 What Makes Computer Vision Hard.mkv 792.35 KB
01 Introduction/4 What Are Images.mkv 874.07 KB
02 Download Code and Setup Colab/2 Setup - Download Code and Configure Colab.mkv 412.15 KB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/01 Getting Started with OpenCV4.mkv 2.1 MB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/02 Grayscaling Images.mkv 945.32 KB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/03 Colour Spaces - RGB and HSV.mkv 1.14 MB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/04 Drawing on Images.mkv 1.19 MB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/05 Transformations - Translations and Rotations.mkv 1.33 MB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/06 Scaling, Re-sizing, Interpolations and Cropping.mkv 2.02 MB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/07 Arithmetic and Bitwise Operations.mkv 1.46 MB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/08 Convolutions, Blurring and Sharpening Images.mkv 1.09 MB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/09 Thresholding, Binarization and Adaptive Thresholding.mkv 2.06 MB
03 OpenCV - Image Operations/10 Dilation, Erosion and Edge Detection.mkv 1.44 MB
04 OpenCV - Image Segmentation/1 Contours - Drawing, Hierarchy and Modes.mkv 2.29 MB
04 OpenCV - Image Segmentation/2 Moments, Sorting, Approximating and Matching Contours.mkv 2.54 MB
04 OpenCV - Image Segmentation/3 Line, Circle and Blob Detection.mkv 968.81 KB
04 OpenCV - Image Segmentation/4 Counting Circles, Ellipses and Finding Waldo with Template Matching.mkv 1.03 MB
04 OpenCV - Image Segmentation/5 Finding Corners.mkv 687.44 KB
05 OpenCV - Haar Cascade Classifiers/1 Face and Eye Detection with Haar Cascade Classifiers.mkv 1.72 MB
05 OpenCV - Haar Cascade Classifiers/2 Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection.mkv 1.51 MB
06 OpenCV - Image Analysis and Transformation/1 Perspective Transforms.mkv 1.19 MB
06 OpenCV - Image Analysis and Transformation/2 Histograms and K-Means Clustering for Dominant Colors.mkv 1.44 MB
06 OpenCV - Image Analysis and Transformation/3 Comparing Images MSE and Structual Similarity.mkv 792.63 KB
06 OpenCV - Image Analysis and Transformation/4 Filtering on Colour.mkv 832.36 KB
06 OpenCV - Image Analysis and Transformation/5 Watershed Algorithm Marker-Dased Image Segmentation.mkv 870.28 KB
06 OpenCV - Image Analysis and Transformation/6 Background and Foreground Subtraction.mkv 1.37 MB
07 OpenCV - Motion and Object Tracking/1 Motion Tracking with Mean Shift and CAMSHIFT.mkv 1.2 MB
07 OpenCV - Motion and Object Tracking/2 Object Tracking with Optical Flow.mkv 1.61 MB
07 OpenCV - Motion and Object Tracking/3 Simple Object Tracking by Color.mkv 956.48 KB
08 OpenCV - Facial Landmark Detection and Face Swaps/1 Facial Landmark Detection with Dlib.mkv 696.52 KB
08 OpenCV - Facial Landmark Detection and Face Swaps/2 Face Swapping with Dlib.mkv 1.53 MB
09 OpenCV Projects/01 Tilt Shift Effects.mkv 1.07 MB
09 OpenCV Projects/02 GrabCut Algorithm for Background Removal.mkv 937.75 KB
09 OpenCV Projects/03 OCR with PyTesseract and EasyOCR (Text Detection).mkv 2.29 MB
09 OpenCV Projects/04 Barcode, QR Generation and Reading.mkv 1.35 MB
09 OpenCV Projects/05 YOLOv3 in OpenCV.mkv 1.41 MB
09 OpenCV Projects/06 Neural Style Transfer with OpenCV.mkv 2.79 MB
09 OpenCV Projects/07 SSDs in OpenCV.mkv 967.69 KB
09 OpenCV Projects/08 Colorize Black and White Photos Using a Caffe Model in OpenCV.mkv 1.24 MB
09 OpenCV Projects/09 Inpainting to Restore Damaged Photos.mkv 526.6 KB
09 OpenCV Projects/10 Add and Remove Noise and Fix Contrast with Histogram Equalization.mkv 1.47 MB
09 OpenCV Projects/11 Detect Blur in Images.mkv 736.77 KB
09 OpenCV Projects/12 Facial Recognition.mkv 1.39 MB
10 OpenCV - Working with Video/1 Using Your Webcam and Creating a Live Sketch of Yourself.mkv 1.52 MB
10 OpenCV - Working with Video/2 Opening Video Files in OpenCV.mkv 883.62 KB
10 OpenCV - Working with Video/3 Saving or Recording Videos in OpenCV.mkv 694.23 KB
10 OpenCV - Working with Video/4 Video Streams and CCTV - RTSP and IP.mkv 826.58 KB
10 OpenCV - Working with Video/5 Auto Reconnect to Video Streams.mkv 679.78 KB
10 OpenCV - Working with Video/6 Capturing Video Using Screenshots.mkv 1016.66 KB
10 OpenCV - Working with Video/7 Importing YouTube Videos into OpenCV.mkv 1.42 MB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/01 Introduction to Convolution Neural Networks.mkv 593.83 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/02 Convolutions.mkv 1.03 MB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/03 Feature Detectors.mkv 825.04 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/04 3D Convolutions and Color Images.mkv 562.35 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/05 Kernel Size and Depth.mkv 523.91 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/06 Padding.mkv 463.06 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/07 Stride.mkv 633 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/08 Activation Functions.mkv 610.66 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/09 Pooling.mkv 791.48 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/10 Fully Connected Layers.mkv 366.33 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/11 Softmax.mkv 332.11 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/12 Putting Together Your Convolutional Neural Network.mkv 870.77 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/13 Parameter Counts in CNNs.mkv 628.13 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/14 Why CNNs Work So Well on Images.mkv 532.49 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/15 Training a CNN.mkv 737.37 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/16 Loss Functions.mkv 773.71 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/17 Backpropagation.mkv 832.81 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/18 Gradient Descent.mkv 959.28 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/19 Optimisers and Learning Rate Schedules.mkv 897.76 KB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/20 Deep Learning CNN Recap.mkv 1.17 MB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/21 Deep Learning History.mkv 1.48 MB
11 Deep Learning in Computer Vision Introduction/22 Deep Learning Libraries Overview.mkv 1.23 MB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/1 Importing Required Libraries.mkv 949.41 KB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/2 Transformation Pipeline.mkv 504.8 KB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/3 Inspect and Visualise Data.mkv 1.18 MB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/4 Data Loaders.mkv 613.05 KB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/5 Building Our Model.mkv 1.57 MB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/6 Optimisers and Loss Function.mkv 297.32 KB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/7 Training Your Model.mkv 1.52 MB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/8 Saving Model and Displaying Results.mkv 1006.57 KB
12 Building CNNs in PyTorch/9 Plot and Visualize Your Results.mkv 550.38 KB
13 Building CNNs in TensorFlow with Keras/1 Loading Data.mkv 611.63 KB
13 Building CNNs in TensorFlow with Keras/2 View and Inspect Data.mkv 585.49 KB
13 Building CNNs in TensorFlow with Keras/3 Preprocessing Our Data.mkv 613.95 KB
13 Building CNNs in TensorFlow with Keras/4 Constructing the CNN.mkv 961.67 KB
13 Building CNNs in TensorFlow with Keras/5 Training the Model.mkv 789.63 KB
13 Building CNNs in TensorFlow with Keras/6 Plotting the Training Results.mkv 751.19 KB
13 Building CNNs in TensorFlow with Keras/7 Saving and Loading and Visualising Results.mkv 1.39 MB
14 Assessing Model Performance/1 Deep Learning Libraries PyTorch vs Keras Review.mkv 1.54 MB
14 Assessing Model Performance/2 Assessing Model Performance.mkv 699.66 KB
14 Assessing Model Performance/3 Confusion Matrix and Classification Report.mkv 1.53 MB
14 Assessing Model Performance/4 Keras Viewing Misclassifications.mkv 1.28 MB
14 Assessing Model Performance/5 Keras - Confusion Matrix and Classification Report.mkv 826.5 KB
14 Assessing Model Performance/6 PyTorch Viewing Misclassifications.mkv 957.08 KB
14 Assessing Model Performance/7 PyTorch - Confusion Matrix and Misclassifications.mkv 610.13 KB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/01 What is Overfitting and Generalisation.mkv 1.03 MB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/02 Introduction to Regularization.mkv 243.05 KB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/03 Drop Out.mkv 382.8 KB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/04 L1 and L2 Regularization.mkv 549.45 KB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/05 Data Augmentation.mkv 529.19 KB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/06 Early Stopping.mkv 407.24 KB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/07 Batch Normalization.mkv 595.62 KB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/08 When Do We Use Regularization.mkv 279.98 KB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/09 Training a Fashion Classifider (FNIST) with no Regularization Using Keras.mkv 1.46 MB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/10 Training a Fashion Classifider (FNIST) with Regularization Using Keras.mkv 1.78 MB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/11 Training a Fashion Classifider (FNIST) with no Regularization Using PyTorch.mkv 1.19 MB
15 Improving Models and Advanced CNN Design/12 Training a Fashion Classifider (FNIST) with Regularization Using PyTorch.mkv 1.89 MB
16 Visualizing What CNN's Learn/1 Visualizing CNN Filters or Feature Maps.mkv 698.73 KB
16 Visualizing What CNN's Learn/2 Visualising Filter Activations.mkv 861.66 KB
16 Visualizing What CNN's Learn/3 Keras Filter Visualization and Activations.mkv 2.05 MB
16 Visualizing What CNN's Learn/4 Maximizing Filters.mkv 530.15 KB
16 Visualizing What CNN's Learn/5 Class Maximization.mkv 632.88 KB
16 Visualizing What CNN's Learn/6 Filter and Class Maximization.mkv 3.26 MB
16 Visualizing What CNN's Learn/7 Grad-CAM Visualize What Influences Your Model.mkv 384.26 KB
16 Visualizing What CNN's Learn/8 Grad-CAM Plus.mkv 1.57 MB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/01 History and Evolution of Convolutional Neural Networks.mkv 395.26 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/02 LeNet.mkv 511.78 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/03 AlexNet.mkv 450.75 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/04 VGG16 and VGG19.mkv 622.47 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/05 ResNets.mkv 570.63 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/06 Why ResNets Work So Well.mkv 546.65 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/07 MobileNetV1 and V2.mkv 1.18 MB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/08 InceptionV3.mkv 762.16 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/09 SqueezeNet.mkv 595.13 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/10 EfficientNet.mkv 664.76 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/11 DenseNet.mkv 855.52 KB
17 Advamced Convolutional Neural Networks/12 The ImageNet Dataset.mkv 738.53 KB
18 Building and Loading Advanced CNN Archiectures and Rank-N Accuracy/1 Implementing LeNet and AlexNet in Keras.mkv 2.54 MB
18 Building and Loading Advanced CNN Archiectures and Rank-N Accuracy/2 Loading Pre-Trained Networks in PyTorch (ResNets, DenseNets, MobileNET, VGG19).mkv 3.05 MB
18 Building and Loading Advanced CNN Archiectures and Rank-N Accuracy/3 Loading Pre-Trained Networks in Keras (ResNets, DenseNets, MobileNET, VGG19).mkv 2.24 MB
18 Building and Loading Advanced CNN Archiectures and Rank-N Accuracy/4 The Top-N or Rank-N Accuracy Metric.mkv 350.83 KB
18 Building and Loading Advanced CNN Archiectures and Rank-N Accuracy/5 Getting the Rank-N Accuracy in PyTorch.mkv 1.62 MB
18 Building and Loading Advanced CNN Archiectures and Rank-N Accuracy/6 Getting the Rank-N Accuracy in Keras.mkv 1.1 MB
19 Using Callbacks in Keras and PyTorch/1 What Are Callbacks.mkv 542.04 KB
19 Using Callbacks in Keras and PyTorch/2 Cats vs Dogs Classifier Using Callbacks in PyTorch.mkv 2.15 MB
19 Using Callbacks in Keras and PyTorch/3 Cats vs Dogs Classifier Using Callbacks in Keras.mkv 2.07 MB
20 PyTorch Lightning/1 Introduction to PyTorch Lightning.mkv 966.4 KB
20 PyTorch Lightning/2 Lightning Setup and Class.mkv 1.09 MB
20 PyTorch Lightning/3 Auto Batch and Learning Rate Selection Plus Tensorboards.mkv 1.97 MB
20 PyTorch Lightning/4 PyTorch Lightning Calls, Saving, Inference.mkv 1.22 MB
20 PyTorch Lightning/5 Training on Multiple GPU, Profiling and Tpus.mkv 1.19 MB
21 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning/1 Transfer Learning Introduction.mkv 944.44 KB
21 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning/2 Transfer Learning in PyTorch Lightning.mkv 1.05 MB
21 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning/3 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning with Keras.mkv 1.73 MB
21 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning/4 Keras Feature Extraction.mkv 2.41 MB
21 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning/5 PyTorch Fine Tuning.mkv 2.07 MB
21 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning/6 PyTorch Transfer Learning and Freezing Network Layers.mkv 542.96 KB
21 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning/7 PyTorch Feature Extraction.mkv 1.98 MB
22 Google DeepStream and Neural Style Transfer/1 Introduction to Google DeepDream Visualizations.mkv 719.24 KB
22 Google DeepStream and Neural Style Transfer/2 Google DeepDream in Keras.mkv 1.26 MB
22 Google DeepStream and Neural Style Transfer/3 Google DeepDream in PyTorch.mkv 1.04 MB
22 Google DeepStream and Neural Style Transfer/4 Introduction to Neural Style Transfer.mkv 1.21 MB
22 Google DeepStream and Neural Style Transfer/5 Neural Style Transfer in Keras.mkv 2.53 MB
22 Google DeepStream and Neural Style Transfer/6 Neural Style Transfer in PyTorch.mkv 1.15 MB
23 Autoencoders/1 Introduction to Autoencoders.mkv 796.83 KB
23 Autoencoders/2 Autoencoders in Keras.mkv 1.51 MB
23 Autoencoders/3 Autoencoders in PyTorch.mkv 1.31 MB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/1 Introduction to GANs.mkv 695.08 KB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/2 How Do GANs Work.mkv 643.75 KB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/3 Training GANs.mkv 988.5 KB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/4 Use Cases for GANs.mkv 1.52 MB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/5 Keras DCGAN with MNIST.mkv 2.14 MB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/6 PyTorch GANs.mkv 1.26 MB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/7 Super Resolution GAN.mkv 1.66 MB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/8 AnimeGAN.mkv 671.42 KB
24 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)/9 ArcaneGAN.mkv 711.87 KB
25 Siamese Network/1 Introduction to Siamese Networks.mkv 771.81 KB
25 Siamese Network/2 Training Siamese Networks.mkv 439.56 KB
25 Siamese Network/3 Siamese Networks in Keras.mkv 1.47 MB
25 Siamese Network/4 Siamese Networks in PyTorch.mkv 1.31 MB
26 Face Recognition (Age, Gender, Emotion and Ethnicity) with Deep Learning/1 Face Recognition Overview.mkv 896.07 KB
26 Face Recognition (Age, Gender, Emotion and Ethnicity) with Deep Learning/2 Facial Similarity Keras VGGFace.mkv 1001.6 KB
26 Face Recognition (Age, Gender, Emotion and Ethnicity) with Deep Learning/3 Face Recognition Keras One Shot Learning and Friends.mkv 1.34 MB
26 Face Recognition (Age, Gender, Emotion and Ethnicity) with Deep Learning/4 Face Recognition PyTorch FaceNet.mkv 1019.52 KB
26 Face Recognition (Age, Gender, Emotion and Ethnicity) with Deep Learning/5 DeepFace - Age, Gender, Emotion, Ethnicity and Face Recognition.mkv 2.57 MB
27 Object Detection/1 Object Detection.mkv 1.14 MB
27 Object Detection/2 History of Object Detectors.mkv 1.04 MB
27 Object Detection/3 Intersection Over Union.mkv 362.69 KB
27 Object Detection/4 Mean Average Precision.mkv 913.43 KB
27 Object Detection/5 Non Maximum Suppression.mkv 348.97 KB
27 Object Detection/6 R-CNNs, Fast R-CNNs and Faster R-CNNs.mkv 1013.76 KB
27 Object Detection/7 Single Shot Detectors (SSDs).mkv 840.28 KB
28 Modern Object Detectors - YOLO, EfficientDet, Detectron2/1 Introduction to YOLO.mkv 743.52 KB
28 Modern Object Detectors - YOLO, EfficientDet, Detectron2/2 How YOLO Works.mkv 716.84 KB
28 Modern Object Detectors - YOLO, EfficientDet, Detectron2/3 Training YOLO.mkv 611.77 KB
28 Modern Object Detectors - YOLO, EfficientDet, Detectron2/4 YOLO Evolution.mkv 717.9 KB
28 Modern Object Detectors - YOLO, EfficientDet, Detectron2/5 EfficientDet.mkv 784.58 KB
28 Modern Object Detectors - YOLO, EfficientDet, Detectron2/6 Detectron2.mkv 972.35 KB
29 Gun Detector - Scaled-YOLOv4/1 Gun Detector - Scaled-YOLOv4.mkv 2.25 MB
30 Mask Detector TFODAPI MobileNetV2_SSD/1 Mask Detector TFODAPI MobileNetV2_SSD.mkv 1.53 MB
31 Sign Language Detector TFODAPI EfficentDet/1 Sign Language Detector TFODAPI EfficentDet.mkv 1.77 MB
32 Pothole Detector - TinyYOLOv4/1 Pothole Detector - TinyYOLOv4.mkv 1.22 MB
33 Mushroom Detector Detectron2/1 Mushroom Detector Detectron2.mkv 1.47 MB
34 Website Region Detector YOLOv4 Darknet/1 Website Region Detector YOLOv4 Darknet.mkv 984.57 KB
35 Drone Maritime Detector R-CNN/1 Drone Maritime Detector R-CNN.mkv 1.3 MB
36 Chess Piece YOLOv3/1 Chess Piece YOLOv3.mkv 838.44 KB
37 Bloodcell Detector YOLOv5/1 Bloodcell Detector YOLOv5.mkv 1.09 MB
38 Hard Hat Detector EfficentDet/1 Hard Hat Detector EfficentDet.mkv 649.33 KB
39 Bloodcell Detector YOLOv5/1 Bloodcell Detector YOLOv5.mkv 1.1 MB
40 Plant Doctor Detector YOLOv5/1 Plant Doctor Detector YOLOv5.mkv 1.21 MB
41 Deep Segmentation - U-Net, SegNet, DeepLabV3 and Mask R-CNN/1 Introduction to Deep Segmentation.mkv 1.59 MB
41 Deep Segmentation - U-Net, SegNet, DeepLabV3 and Mask R-CNN/2 Image Segmentation Keras UNET SegNet.mkv 1.4 MB
41 Deep Segmentation - U-Net, SegNet, DeepLabV3 and Mask R-CNN/3 PyTorch DeepLabV3.mkv 1.11 MB
41 Deep Segmentation - U-Net, SegNet, DeepLabV3 and Mask R-CNN/4 Mask-RCNN TensorFlow Matterport.mkv 1.12 MB
41 Deep Segmentation - U-Net, SegNet, DeepLabV3 and Mask R-CNN/5 Detectron2 Mask R-CNN.mkv 1.2 MB
41 Deep Segmentation - U-Net, SegNet, DeepLabV3 and Mask R-CNN/6 Train Mask R-CNN Shapes Dataset.mkv 1 MB
42 Body Pose Estimation/1 Body Pose Estimation.mkv 642.46 KB
43 Tracking with DeepSORT/1 DeepSORT Introduction.mkv 1.13 MB
43 Tracking with DeepSORT/2 DeepSORT with YOLOv5.mkv 1.73 MB
44 Deep Fakes/1 Creating a Deep Fake.mkv 1.08 MB
45 Vision Transformers - ViTs/1 Introduction to Vision Transformers.mkv 668.38 KB
45 Vision Transformers - ViTs/2 Vision Transformer in Detail with PyTorch.mkv 1.43 MB
45 Vision Transformers - ViTs/3 Vision Transformers in Keras.mkv 907.69 KB
46 BiT BigTransfer Classifier Keras/1 BiT BigTransfer Classifier Keras.mkv 1.03 MB
47 Depth Estimation/1 Depth Estimation Project.mkv 1.24 MB
48 Image Similarity Using Metric Learning/1 Image Similarity Using Metric Learning.mkv 1006.24 KB
49 Image Captioning with Keras/1 Image Captioning with Keras.mkv 1.54 MB
50 Video Classification Usign CNN+RNN/1 Video Classification Usign CNN+RNN.mkv 1 MB
51 Video Classification with Transformers/1 Video Classification with Transformers.mkv 865.97 KB
52 Point Cloud Classification PointNet/1 Point Cloud Classification PointNet.mkv 1.11 MB
53 Point Cloud Segmentation Using PointNet/1 Point Cloud Segmentation Using PointNet.mkv 1.66 MB
54 Medical Project - X-Ray Pneumonia Prediction/1 X-Ray Pneumonia Prediction.mkv 1.12 MB
55 Medical Project - 3D CT Scan Classification/1 3D CT Scan Classification.mkv 1.12 MB
56 Low Light Image Enhancement MIRNet/1 Low Light Image Enhancement MIRNet.mkv 1.64 MB
57 Deploy Your CV App Using Flask RestFUL API and Web App/1 Flask RestFUL API.mkv 1.37 MB
57 Deploy Your CV App Using Flask RestFUL API and Web App/2 Flask Web App.mkv 921.46 KB
58 OCR Captcha Cracker/1 OCR Captcha Cracker.mkv 907.21 KB