352.77 MB
2009-4-18 15:22
2024-12-28 09:07
Abbey - Charels Taylor (CUP 2004).pdf 1.11 MB
Alasdair MacIntyre (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus) [2003].PDF 1.35 MB
Alvin Plantinga (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus) [2007].pdf 976.26 KB
Analytic Philosophy Without Naturalism (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) [2006].pdf 1.7 MB
Angle - Human Rights and Chinese Thought = A Cross-Cultural Inquiry (CUP 2004).pdf 2.2 MB
Aristotle - Aristotle~ Nicomachean Ethics - CUP.pdf 1.44 MB
Aristotle on ethics.pdf 1.93 MB
Aristotle~ Metaphysics Theta~ Translated with an Introduction and Commentary - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.29 MB
Baghramian - Relativism - Routledge.pdf 1.26 MB
Beall - Revenge of the Liar = New Essays on the Paradox (OUP 2007).pdf 1.55 MB
Beatrice Longuenesse - Hegel`s Critique of Metaphysics.pdf 922.93 KB
Bell - China's New Confucianism~ Politics and Everyday Life in a Changing Society - 2008.pdf 809.46 KB
Beyond positivism.pdf 862.29 KB
Brecher - Getting What You Want~ A Critique of Liberal Morality - Routledge.pdf 981.96 KB
Brickhouse - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Plato and the Trial of Socrates - Routledge.pdf 2.04 MB
Cairns, Herrmann, and Penner - Pursuing the Good = Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato's Republic (EUP 2007).pdf 2.05 MB
Cambridge companion Origin of Species.pdf 1.67 MB
Casebeer - Natural Ethical Facts = Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition (MIT 2003).pdf 820.21 KB
Chappell - Values and Virtues = Aristotelianism in Contemporary Ethics (OUP 2006).pdf 2.17 MB
Cherry M.J.(ed) - The Death of Metaphysics, the Death of Culture.pdf 870.71 KB
Coates - The Metaphysics of Perception~ Wilfrid Sellars, Critical Realism and the Nature of Experience (Routledge Studies in Twentieth Century Philosophy) [2007].pdf 1.68 MB
Companion to Aristotle.pdf 3.63 MB
Conant, Zeglen - Hilary Putnam, Pragmatism & Realism.pdf 898.3 KB
Cross - The Metaphysics of the Incarnation~ Thomas Aquinas to Duns Scotus [2002].pdf 2.58 MB
Darwin Evolutionary writings.pdf 5.97 MB
Descartes - Meditations on First Philosophy.pdf 1.47 MB
Descartes - The World and Other Writings.pdf 1.72 MB
Descriptive psychology - Brentano.pdf 700.51 KB
Drury - Terror and Civilization = Christianity, Politics, and the Western Psyche (Palgrave 2004).pdf 782.08 KB
Eberl - Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy (Blackwell 2008).pdf 942.42 KB
Eldridge - Stanley Cavell (CUP 2003).pdf 1.24 MB
Ethics VSI.pdf 2.46 MB
Existentialism For Dummies.pdf 4.01 MB
Fact and Value = Essays on Ethics and Metaphysics for Judith Jarvis Thomson (MIT 2001).pdf 896.41 KB
Fictionalism in Metaphysics - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.65 MB
Foster - Adorno~ The Recovery of Experience - SUNY Press.pdf 1.36 MB
Foster - The Immaterial Self~ A Defence of the Cartesian Dualist Conception of the Mind - Routledge.pdf 964.72 KB
Fraser - Redeeming Nietzsche~ On the Piety of Unbelief - Routledge.pdf 1.42 MB
From an Ontological Point of View - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.63 MB
Garrett - Personal Identity and Self Consciousness - Routledge.pdf 498.81 KB
Georges Dicker - Hume`s Epistemology and Metaphysics, An Introduction.pdf 960.09 KB
Gerson - Knowing Persons~ A Study in Plato - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 2.45 MB
Gombay - Descartes (Blackwell Great Minds) [2007].pdf 897.02 KB
Gower - Scientific Method~ A Historical and Philosophical Introduction - Routledge.pdf 1.07 MB
Griffith - Socialism and Superior Brains = The Political Thought of Bernard Shaw.pdf 996.41 KB
Hawthorne - Metaphysical Essays - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.61 MB
Hegels Phenomenology Spirit.pdf 817.18 KB
Heideggers Being Time - Mulhall.pdf 878.07 KB
Hill - Nietzsche's Critiques~ The Kantian Foundations of His Thought - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.21 MB
Hintikka - Socratic Epistemology.pdf 855.74 KB
Hodge - Heidegger and Ethics - Routledge.pdf 2.06 MB
Horowitz - The Epistemology of A Priori Knowledge - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 984.15 KB
Horwich - From a Deflationary Point of View - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.84 MB
How Things Persist.pdf 2.09 MB
Huemer - Epistemology~ Contemporary Readings - Routledge.pdf 2.57 MB
Hughes - Kripke~ Names, Necessity, and Identity - OUP.pdf 2.64 MB
Hughes - The Nature of God (1995).pdf 1.22 MB
Humanizing Modern Medicine.pdf 1.76 MB
Hume - An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.27 MB
Hume [2003].pdf 838.66 KB
Hume on knowledge.pdf 695.06 KB
Hume on morality.pdf 2.13 MB
Husserl (routledge).pdf 1.87 MB
Husserl - The Shorter Logical Investigations - Routledge.pdf 2.36 MB
Hylton - Quine (2007).pdf 2.51 MB
Informal Logic 2nd ed.pdf 1.84 MB
Internalism and Externalism in Semantics and Epistemology - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 3.64 MB
Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of the Deductive Sciences.pdf 11.7 MB
Kane - A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will (OUP 2005).pdf 925.5 KB
Keefe - Theories of Vagueness (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy) [2000].pdf 883.24 KB
Kekes - The Morality of Pluralism - 1993.pdf 1.52 MB
Kenny, A. - A New History of Western Philosophy - Vol. II Mediaeval Philosophy - 2005.pdf 7.88 MB
Kistler - Causation and Laws of Nature - Routledge.pdf 1.58 MB
Klein - Wittgenstein and the Metaphysics of Grace - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.02 MB
Knowing_Art_Essays_in_Aesthetics_and_Epistemology__978-1-4020-5264-4.pdf 1.17 MB
Kohen - In Defense of Human Rights = A Non-Religious Grounding in a Pluralistic World (2007).pdf 865.3 KB
Kraut - Artworld Metaphysics - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.04 MB
Kvanvig - The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding (CUP 2003).pdf 906.23 KB
Lacey - State Punishment = Political Principles and Community Values (1988).pdf 709.47 KB
Ladyman and Ross - Every Thing Must Go = Metaphysics Naturalized (OUP 2007).pdf 2.13 MB
Lamberth - William James and the Metaphysics of Experience - CUP.pdf 2.22 MB
Laudan - Truth, Error, and Criminal Law = An Essay in Legal Epistemology (CUP 2006).pdf 1.2 MB
Leiter - Routledge Guidebook to Nietzsche on Morality - Routledge.pdf 1000.76 KB
Lemos - Common Sense~ A Contemporary Defense.pdf 984 KB
Levy - Sartre.pdf 891.26 KB
Lincoln very short.pdf 1.86 MB
Logic Tomassi.pdf 2.43 MB
Lowe - The Four-Category Ontology = A Metaphysical Foundation for Natural Science (OUP 2006).pdf 1.4 MB
Macdonald - Varieties of Things (Blackwell 2005).pdf 967.84 KB
Macdonald - Varieties of Things = Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics.pdf 920.98 KB
Machan - Classical Individualism~ The Supreme Importance of Each Human Being - Routledge.pdf 1.51 MB
Mackie - How Things Might Have Been~ Individuals, Kinds, and Essential Properties - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.3 MB
McGrew - Internalism and Epistemology (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) [2006].pdf 975.85 KB
McKinnon - Liberalism and the Defence of Political Constructivism - Palgrave Macmillan.pdf 589.16 KB
McKinnon_Toleration-A Critical Introduction_0415322901.pdf 793.54 KB
McMahan - The Ethics of Killing = Problems at the Margins of Life (OUP 2002).pdf 1.78 MB
McMylor - Alasdair MacIntyre~ Critic of Modernity - Routledge.pdf 1.02 MB
Melnyk - A Physicalist Manifesto~ Thoroughly Modern Materialism - CUP.pdf 1.24 MB
Mendelsohn, Richard - The Philosophy of Gottlob Frege (2005) Cambridge.pdf 1.97 MB
Metaphysics Inwagen 3rd ed.pdf 2.81 MB
Mill On liberty.pdf 924.38 KB
Miller - An Introduction to Contemporary Metaethics (2003).pdf 1.45 MB
Mills Utilitarianism.pdf 670.32 KB
Moyal-Sharrock - Understanding Wittgenstein's On Certainty - Palgrave Macmillan.pdf 976.84 KB
Mumford - Russell on Metaphysics.pdf 835.41 KB
Nadler_Spinoza's Ethics-An Introduction_0521544793.pdf 2.35 MB
Nathan - The Price of Doubt - Routledge.pdf 1.66 MB
Nelson - Naming and Reference.pdf 1019.91 KB
Newman - The Correspondence Theory of Truth.pdf 1.04 MB
O'Connor - Routledge GuideBook to Hume on Religion (2001).pdf 1.32 MB
Owens - Reason Without Freedom~ The Problem of Epistemic Normativity - Routledge.pdf 699.07 KB
Oxford Studies in Epistemology = Volume 1 (OUP 2005).pdf 1.15 MB
Oxford Studies in Epistemology~ Volume 2 Volume 2 - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.3 MB
Oxford Studies in Metaphysics~ Volume 3 - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.11 MB
Oxford studies metaethics 1.pdf 3.35 MB
Pattison - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to the Later Heidegger - Routledge.pdf 1.04 MB
Philipse - Heidegger's Philosophy of Being - 1998.pdf 2.01 MB
Philosophical tales.pdf 3.1 MB
Platos Republic 2nd ed..pdf 1.51 MB
Platts - Moral Realities~ An Essay in Philosophical Psychology - Routledge.pdf 1.12 MB
Powers study in metaphysics.pdf 948.87 KB
Priest - The British Empericists 2nd ed. (2007).pdf 1.22 MB
Priest Graham - Towards Non-Being - The Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality (2005).pdf 2.68 MB
Pritchard - What Is This Thing Called Knowlege (2006).pdf 954.75 KB
Pruss - The Principle of Sufficient Reason.pdf 1.81 MB
Real Ethics Reconsidering the Foundations of Morality.pdf 1.64 MB
Real Metaphysics (Routledge Studies in Twentieth Centuryphilosophy) [2003].pdf 849.5 KB
Richard Rorty.pdf 1.36 MB
Ridley - Routledge Guidebook to Nietzshe on Art and Literature.pdf 1.04 MB
Roberts and Wood - Intellectual Virtues~ An Essay in Regulative Epistemology (OUP 2007).pdf 1.73 MB
Robinson - Perception - Routledge.pdf 845.26 KB
Robinson - Philosophy and Mystification~ A Reflection on Nonsense and Clarity - Routledge.pdf 1.38 MB
Rorty and mirror of nature.pdf 1.06 MB
Rorty-Philosophy as Cultural Politics.pdf 1.28 MB
Routledge Guidebook to Wittgenstein and the Philosophical Investigations (1997).pdf 662.03 KB
Routledge Philosophers/Aristotle (Routledge Philosophers) - Christopher Shields.pdf 1.97 MB
Routledge Philosophers/Darwin (Routledge Philosophers) - Tim Lewens.pdf 1.11 MB
Routledge Philosophers/Hegel (Routledge Philosophers) - Frederick Beiser.pdf 3.66 MB
Routledge Philosophers/Husserl (Routledge Philosophers) - David Woodruff Smith.pdf 1.87 MB
Routledge Philosophers/Kant (Routledge Philosophers) - Paul Guyer.pdf 1.99 MB
Routledge Philosophers/Leibniz (Routledge Philosophers) - Nicholas Jolley.pdf 847.24 KB
Routledge Philosophers/Merleau-Ponty (Routledge Philosophers) - Taylor Carman.pdf 1.22 MB
Routledge Philosophers/Rawls (Routledge Philosophers) - Samuel Freeman.pdf 2.13 MB
Routledge Philosophers/Schopenhauer (Routledge Philosophers) - Julian Young.pdf 1.17 MB
Routledge Philosophers/Spinoza (Routledge Philosophers) - Michael Della Rocca.pdf 1.8 MB
Routledge Philosophy Guide to Aristotle and the Metaphysics.pdf 2.49 MB
Russell VSI.pdf 2.21 MB
Sainsbury - Departing from Frege.pdf 1.09 MB
Sainsbury - Reference without Referents - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.47 MB
Salles - Metaphysics, Soul, and Ethics in Ancient Thought (OUP 2005).pdf 3.54 MB
Sartre.pdf 937.87 KB
Scanlon, T.M. - The Difficulty of Tolerance - (CUP 2003).pdf 2.41 MB
Scolnicov - Plato's ~i~Parmenides~~i~ - University of California Press.pdf 1.08 MB
Secada - Cartesian Metaphysics = The Late Scholastic Origins of Modern Philosophy.pdf 952.9 KB
Sextus Empiricus~ Against the Logicians - CUP.pdf 1.08 MB
Shanske - Thucydides and the Philosophical Origins of History - CUP.pdf 1.19 MB
Sharples - Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics~ An Introduction to Hellenistic Philosophy - Routledge.pdf 558.03 KB
Shields - Classical Philosophy~ A Contemporary Introduction - Routledge.pdf 1.08 MB
Sinnott-Armstrong - Moral Skepticisms (OUP 2006).pdf 1.81 MB
Smith - Adam Smith's Political Philosophy = The Invisible Hand and Spontaneous Order (2006).pdf 862.63 KB
Smith, T. - Ayn Rands Normative Ethics = The Virtuous Egoist.pdf 2.06 MB
Sorell - Scientism = Philosophy and the Infatuation with Science (Routledge).pdf 607.79 KB
Sorgner - Metaphysics Without Truth~ On the Importance of Consistency Within Nietzsche's Philosophy - Marquette University Press.pdf 934.75 KB
Sosa - A Virtue Epistemology~ Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 1.72 MB
Sosa~ And His Critics (Philosophers and their Critics) [2004].pdf 1.38 MB
Sprigge - The God of Metaphysics - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf 2.78 MB
Stanley & Wise - Breaking Out Again = Feminist Ontology and Epistemology (1993).pdf 789.36 KB
Stump - Aquinas - Routledge.pdf 2.7 MB
The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (Blackwell Guides to Great Works) [2006].pdf 1.76 MB
The Columbia History of Western Philosophy.pdf 4.63 MB
The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology.pdf 3.19 MB
The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.pdf 8.74 MB
The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding - (2003).pdf 942.76 KB
Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy.pdf 2.18 MB
Timmons, Greco, and Mele - Rationality and the Good = Critical Essays on the Ethics and Epistemology of Audi.pdf 1.19 MB
Torture and the ticking bomb.pdf 832.94 KB
Villa - Arendt and Heidegger - 1995.pdf 2.46 MB
Weintraub - The Sceptical Challenge - Routledge.pdf 471.4 KB
Weston - Kierkegaard and Modern Continental Philosophy~ An Introduction - Routledge.pdf 865.05 KB
Who owns you.pdf 1.36 MB
Wielenberg - Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe (CUP 2005).pdf 1.12 MB
Williams - Descartes~ The Project of Pure Enquiry - Routledge.pdf 800.19 KB
Yolton - Realism and Appearances An Essay in Ontology.pdf 625.84 KB
Zawidzki - Dennett.pdf 827.22 KB
Zimmerman (ed) - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics (Vol.1) (2004).pdf 3.03 MB
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contemporary chinese philosophy.pdf 1.65 MB
epistemology - audi 2nd ed.pdf 1.21 MB
feyerabend - Realism, rationalism and scientific method - Philosophical Papers vol 1.pdf 2.33 MB
intro buddhist phil.pdf 1.37 MB
intro confucianism.pdf 9.98 MB
intro theory knowledge.pdf 1.02 MB
john duns scotus.pdf 2.31 MB
key philosophers conversation.pdf 894.4 KB
knowing the difference.pdf 1.33 MB
maurice blanchot.pdf 639.69 KB
metaethics after moore.pdf 1.74 MB
metaphsyics of knowledge.pdf 3.47 MB
metaphysics - Loux 3rd ed.pdf 2.24 MB
metaphysics of perfect beings.pdf 1.38 MB
mill on liberty defense.pdf 715.64 KB
modernist radicalism.pdf 1.1 MB
nancy cartwrights phil science.pdf 2.48 MB
naturalism critical analysis.pdf 2.03 MB
philosophy after postmodernism.pdf 1.06 MB
rationality of science.pdf 965.85 KB
schopenhauer (routledge).pdf 1.17 MB
scotch metaphysics.pdf 901.78 KB
thomas kuhn.pdf 3.04 MB