Sexual Abuse in Christian Homes and Churches - Collections 1,2,3 (reload)
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2011-8-18 21:46
2025-3-6 05:46
Lea - A History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences in the Latin Church, Vol. III (1896).pdf 67.9 MB
Lea - A History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences in the Latin Church, Vol. I (1896).pdf 57.81 MB
Lea - A History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences in the Latin Church, Vol. II (1896).pdf 54.32 MB
McCallen & Carr - The Devil in Robes or the Sin of Priests (1900).pdf 36.13 MB
Lasteyrie - The History of Auricular Confession, Vol. I (1848).pdf 28.85 MB
Lasteyrie - The History of Auricular Confession, Vol. II (1848).pdf 27.8 MB
Wright - Secrets of Convent and Confession (1873).pdf 25.52 MB
Bunkley - Testimony of an Escaped Novice from Sisterhood (1855).pdf 24.68 MB
Haleczer - Sexuality in the Confessional; A Sacrament Profaned (1996).pdf 21.64 MB
McCrindell - The Convent; A Narrative Founded on Facts (1843).pdf 17.71 MB
White - Deeds of Darkness Disclosed about Auricular Confession (1875).pdf 17.18 MB
Bunkley - The Escaped Nun; or, Disclosures of Convent Life (1855).pdf 15.34 MB
The Atrocities of a Convent; Exemplified in the History of a Nun, Vol. I (1808).pdf 9.22 MB
The Atrocities of a Convent; Exemplified in the History of a Nun, Vol. II (1808).pdf 9.19 MB
Roberts - A Treatise on History of Auricular Confession until It Developed into Auricular Confession A.D. 1215 (1901).pdf 8.91 MB
The Atrocities of a Convent; Exemplified in the History of a Nun, Vol. III (1808).pdf 7.46 MB
Awful Disclosures by Maria Monk of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery of Montreal (1836).pdf 7.14 MB
Potter - Female Convents; Secrets of Nunneries Disclosed (1834).pdf 7.02 MB
Tonna - Nuns and Nunneries; Sketches Compiled from Romish Authorities (1852).pdf 6.56 MB
Hatch - Popery Unmasked Showing the Depravity of the Priesthood and Immorality of the Confessional (1854).pdf 6.36 MB
Hendrickson - The Black Convent Slave; The Climax of Nunnery Exposures (1914).pdf 5.32 MB
Grand Jury Report - Philadelphia (2003).pdf 2.94 MB
A Confidential Instruction on the Manner of Proceeding (1962).pdf 1.73 MB
Berg - The Confessional; An Exposition of the Doctrine of Auricular Confession (1841).pdf 1.55 MB
Mouton & Doyle - The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy, part 3 (1985).pdf 1.45 MB
Fresenborg - Thirty Years in Hell; or, From Darkness to Light.pdf 1.17 MB
John Jay Report-Nature and Scope of Sexual Abuse (2006).pdf 1.14 MB
Watson - What Goes on in the Nunneries (1918).pdf 1.1 MB
ELCA Strategy for Respoding to Sexual Abuse (1992).pdf 1.03 MB
Allegations Against Ledwith - Ferns.pdf 901.42 KB
Mouton & Doyle - The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy, part 1 (1985).pdf 674.8 KB
Allegations Against Fortune - Ferns.pdf 651.75 KB
Allegations Against Collins, Doyle, and Grennan - Ferns.pdf 624.68 KB
Abuses by Protestants Denominations Ministers.pdf 586.54 KB
Mouton & Doyle - The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy, part 2 (1985).pdf 492.83 KB
Sex Abuses by Catholic Bishops (www.bishop-accountability.org).pdf 488.1 KB
Chiniquy - The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional (1880).pdf 487.55 KB
Jane Doe vs OMI of Texas (2008).pdf 349.79 KB
Mouton & Doyle - The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy, part 4 (1985).pdf 316.32 KB
The Evolution of Auricular Confession.pdf 306.35 KB
Church Sexual Abuse - SNAP Position Paper (2003).pdf 270.88 KB
Doyle - Clergy Sexual Abuse; Bibliography of Selected Sources (2008).pdf 269.8 KB
Abuses by Fundamentalists-Evangelicals Ministers.pdf 203.59 KB
Abuses by Baptists Ministers.pdf 170.12 KB
Sipe - Celibacy Today - Mystery, Mythe and Miasma (2008).pdf 159.15 KB
Bennet - Better to Marry than to Burn (www.bereanbeacon.org).pdf 154.22 KB
Proofs that Sexual Sins Existed More than 40 Years (www.cuttingedge.org).pdf 149.55 KB
Abuses by Various Church Ministers.pdf 137.07 KB
Hutchins - Cases Against the Diocese of Manchester (2009).pdf 134.19 KB
Hogan - Auricular Confession and Popish Nunneries (1854).pdf 121.47 KB
Case Against Fortier - Manchester.pdf 116.17 KB
Solicitation In The Confessional.pdf 115 KB
Case Against LandryL - Manchester.pdf 104.03 KB
The Convent Horror Of Barbara Ubryk (1957).pdf 102.15 KB
Sipe - Code Words to Hide Sex Abuse (2008).pdf 94.65 KB
The Abuse and Cover-Up Scandal (2007).pdf 85.94 KB
Walsh - The Scandal of Secrecy (2002).pdf 85.33 KB
Hoatson vs NY Archdiocese (2005).pdf 82.09 KB
Toye - The Catholic Church Sex Scandal and the Missing Link (2003).pdf 77.24 KB
Abuses by Anglican-Episcopalian Ministers.pdf 74.78 KB
Scandals Through History - Solicitation in the Confessional (www.theharrowing.com).pdf 74.76 KB
Sipe - The Crisis of Sexual Abuse and Celibate Agenda.pdf 57.02 KB
John Doe vs Archdiocese of Cincinnati (2005).pdf 50.73 KB
Auricular Confession - False Doctrine.pdf 48.88 KB
The Independent - Rape of Nuns by Priest in 23 Countries (2001).pdf 47.66 KB
Abuses by Methodist Ministers.pdf 46.04 KB
Sipe - How Priests Justify Having Sex (www.richardsipe.com).pdf 38.64 KB
Hagget - Clergy Sexual Abuse.pdf 38.01 KB
Abuses by Lutheran Ministers.pdf 36.19 KB
Knight Ridder - Thousands of Nuns Sexually Victimized (2003).pdf 32.97 KB
The Prevailance of Sexual Abuse of Youths by Priests.pdf 32.64 KB
Cross - Ecclesial False Consciousness (2006).pdf 30.5 KB
Clerical Celibacy and Pedophilic Priests (www.humanismbyjoe.com).pdf 28.6 KB
Fisher - The Catholic Church and Child Abuse (2002).pdf 25.61 KB
Scheer - A Hypocrytical Church Sex Lessons (2005).pdf 25.42 KB
Vinet - I Was a Priest (1949).pdf 24.71 KB
International Call to End Sexual Abuse of Nuns.pdf 24.71 KB
Abuses by Presbyterian Ministers.pdf 23.78 KB
Catholic Church Needs to Rethink Celibacy (www.smh.com.au, 2002).pdf 22.19 KB
Response to Sex Scandal Defies Logic (2004).pdf 20.8 KB