JMW Turner (1775–1851) - 335 paintings
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5C14E16FAC6895180D28BE3A5BD171DD3BF83D15&dn=JMW Turner (1775–1851) - 335 paintings
243.54 MB
2013-3-5 21:07
2025-3-26 21:40
A Beech Wood with Gipsies Round a Camp Fire, 1799-1801.jpg 954.91 KB
A Beech Wood with Gipsies Seated in the Middle Distance, 1799-1801.jpg 845.45 KB
A Bridge with a Cottage and Trees beyond, 1813.jpg 937.23 KB
A Cloudy Sky, 1845.jpg 1.1 MB
A Coast Scene with Fishermen Hauling a Boat Ashore, 1803.jpg 999.95 KB
A Disaster at Sea.jpg 486.35 KB
A Distant Castle with Poplar Trees beside a River, 1840.jpg 1.27 MB
A Low Sun, 1835-40.jpg 987.91 KB
A Sailing Boat off Deal, 1835.jpg 634.53 KB
A View in the Domleschg Valley, Switzerland.jpg 888.45 KB
Abingdon from the Thames Navigation, 1804.jpg 1.26 MB
Addingham Mill on the River Wharfe, Yorkshire.jpg 976.78 KB
An Old Church.jpg 252.68 KB
Ancient Italy - Ovid banished from Rome, 1838.jpg 788.47 KB
Ancient Rome - Agrippina Landing with the Ashes of Germanicus.jpeg 1021.79 KB
Angers - The Walls of Doutre with the Tower of the Church of La Trinite, 1826.jpg 338.71 KB
Antiquities of Pola.jpeg 1.12 MB
Antwerp - Van Goyen Looking Out for a Subject, 1833.jpg 1.96 MB
Approach to Venice, 1844.jpg 776.35 KB
Arch of Constantine, Rome, 1835.jpg 862.15 KB
Arno, A Villa Among Trees and Bushes.jpeg 1.09 MB
Autumn Morning near Foothill, Wiltshire, 1799.jpg 546.4 KB
Aysgarth Force, Richmondshire, 1817.jpg 428.69 KB
Barge on the River, Sunset, 1806-07.jpg 865.43 KB
Basle, 1807.jpg 736.38 KB
Bellinzona, 1842.jpg 321.23 KB
Ben Arthur, Scotland, 1819.jpg 288.35 KB
Berncastle (Oberwesel).jpg 288.1 KB
Berry Pomeroy Castle (Raglan Castle), 1816.jpg 259.37 KB
Boat on a Rough Sea, 1840.jpg 433.88 KB
Bonneville, 1802.jpg 623.19 KB
Bonneville, Savoy, 1819.jpg 503.47 KB
Bonneville, Savoy, with Mont Blanc, 1803.jpg 412.78 KB
Bonneville, Savoy.jpg 290.2 KB
Bridge and Cows, from Liber Studiorum, part I, 1807.jpg 1.02 MB
Bridge and Goats.jpg 280.53 KB
Bridge of Sighs, Ducal Palace and Custom-House, Venice, 1833.jpg 846.65 KB
Bright Stone of Honour and Tomb of Marceau, from Byron's Childe Harold, 1835.jpg 938.63 KB
Brussels, A Distant View.jpg 763.55 KB
Burg Rheinfels on the Rhine, 1844.jpg 450.79 KB
Burg Sooneck on the Rhine, Germany.jpg 844.35 KB
Calais Pier, 1803.jpg 2.45 MB
Calais Sands, Low Water, Poissards Collecting Bait, 1830.jpg 717.62 KB
Caligula's Palace and Bridge.jpg 269.22 KB
Carthage.jpg 236.55 KB
Chatel Argent and the Val d'Aosta from above Villeneuve, 1836.jpg 703.68 KB
Chelsea Hospital, 1794.jpg 438.85 KB
Chepstow Castle, 1793.jpg 848.25 KB
Chester Bridge, 1794.jpg 273.81 KB
Chichester Canal, 1829.jpg 512.53 KB
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage - Italy, 1832.jpg 738.08 KB
Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple, 1832.jpg 869.3 KB
Cicero at his Villa, 1832.jpg 876.77 KB
Cliveden on Thames.jpeg 1.23 MB
Coast Scene near Naples, 1828.jpg 630.6 KB
Coast Scene with Buildings, 1840-45.jpg 717.24 KB
Coast Scene, with Boat in the Foreground - near Dover, 1794.jpg 433.79 KB
Coastal View at Sunset with Fishing Boat Returning to Port.jpeg 428.93 KB
Coblenz, 1844.jpg 1.32 MB
Cochem on the Mosel, 1893.jpg 341.36 KB
Colchester, 1826.jpg 713.73 KB
Cologne - The Arrival of a Packet-Boat, Evening, 1826.jpg 2.55 MB
Confluence of the Thames and the Medway, 1808.jpg 912.05 KB
Conway Castle, North Wales.jpg 605.14 KB
Crook of Lune, Looking towards Hornby Castle, 1816-18.jpg 749.5 KB
Crossing the Brook, 1815.jpg 680.03 KB
Dartmouth Cove, 1824-27.jpg 827.35 KB
Dawn after the Wreck, 1841.jpg 418.58 KB
Dawn of Christianity (Flight into Egypt), 1841.jpg 732.64 KB
Devil's Bridge, St Gothard, 1803-04.jpg 813.24 KB
Dido Building Carthage.jpg 1.98 MB
Dieblich on the Mosel, 1839.jpg 142.6 KB
Distant View of Barden Tower on the Rver Wharfe, West Riding, Yorkshire.jpeg 917.74 KB
Dover Castle from the Sea, 1822.jpg 236.72 KB
Dunotter Castle, Kincardineshire.jpeg 811.82 KB
Dunstaffnage, 1832-35.jpg 226.09 KB
Dunstanborough Castle, 1808.jpg 750.83 KB
East Cowes Castle, the Seat of J. Nash, Esq., the Regatta Beating to Windward, 1828.jpg 322.94 KB
Eddystone Lighthouse, 1824.jpg 759.56 KB
Entrance of the Meuse, 1819.jpg 772.53 KB
Eu, The Church of Notre-Dame and Saint-Laurent, 1845.jpg 129.67 KB
Europa and the Bull, 1840-50.jpg 911.73 KB
Evening Landscape with a Tower and Bridge, 1840.jpg 777.15 KB
Evening Landscape, probably Chichester Canal, 1825-28.jpg 527.29 KB
Fall of the Rhine at Schaffhausen, 1805-06.jpg 917.76 KB
Fall of the Tees, Yorkshire, 1825-26.jpg 416.77 KB
Falls of the Clyde, 1840-50.jpg 901.23 KB
Falls of the Rhine at Schaffhausen - Distant View, 1842.jpg 238.74 KB
Farmyard, 1794.jpg 672.48 KB
Fifth Plague of Egypt, 1808.jpg 634.47 KB
Figures on a Beach, 1835-40.jpg 1.2 MB
Fire at Sea, 1830.jpg 958.58 KB
Fish Market on the Sands, 1840.jpg 1.1 MB
Fishermen at Sea, 1796.jpeg 765.13 KB
Fishing Boat in a Mist, 1828.jpg 599.96 KB
Fishing Boats Entering Calais Harbor, 1803.jpg 3.44 MB
Fishing Boats with Hucksters Bargaining for Fish, 1838.jpg 539.81 KB
Fishing upon the Blythe-Sand.jpg 869.66 KB
Flint Castle, North Wales.jpeg 512.74 KB
Florence from the Ponte alla Carraia, 1818.jpg 714.74 KB
Fontainebleau -The Departure of Napoleon, 1833.jpg 227.87 KB
Fort of L`Essillon, Val de la Maurienne, France, 1836.jpg 2.05 MB
Forum Romanum.jpeg 727.49 KB
Fountain of Indolence, 1834.jpg 830.27 KB
Fox Lugger, 1845.jpg 339.54 KB
From Spencer's Faerie Queen.jpg 200.42 KB
George IV at the Provost's Banquet in the Parliament House, Edinburgh, 1822.jpg 958.7 KB
Giudecca, la Donna della Salute and San Georgio, 1841.jpg 919.4 KB
Glaucus and Scylla, 1841.jpg 1.03 MB
Golden Bough, 1834.jpg 831.39 KB
Goring Mill and Church, 1806-07.jpg 1023.36 KB
Haddon Hall near Bakewell, Derbyshire, 1794.jpg 533.41 KB
Harbour of Dieppe (Changement de Domicile), 1835.jpg 735.22 KB
Harbour with Town and Fortress, 1830.jpg 896.23 KB
Head of a Girl.jpg 570.72 KB
Heaped Thundercloud over Sea and Land, 1835-40.jpg 799.7 KB
Holy Island Cathedral, 1808.jpg 1 MB
Interior of Salisbury Cathedral, 1802-05.jpg 292.77 KB
Inverary Castle and Town, Scotland, 1816.jpg 664.7 KB
Isis, 1819.jpg 251.61 KB
Italian Landscape with Bridge and Tower.jpeg 899.14 KB
Jason, 1807.jpg 1.12 MB
Jedburgh Abbey, 1833.jpg 579.18 KB
Jessica, 1830.jpg 1.02 MB
Juliet and her Nurse, 1836.jpg 832.46 KB
Keelmen Heaving in Coals by Moonlight, 1835.jpg 675.64 KB
King Edgar's Gate, Worcester, 1794.jpg 518.6 KB
Kirkby Lonsdale Churchyard.jpg 1.53 MB
Lake of Lucerne from Brunnen, 1845.jpg 227.71 KB
Lake of Lucerne, 1842-45.jpg 185.48 KB
Lake of Thun, Swiss, 1808.jpg 697.32 KB
Lake, Petworth, Sunset, 1828.jpg 462.33 KB
Lanberis Pass, North Wales.jpg 571.83 KB
Landscape with a River and a Bay in the Background, 1835-40.jpg 136.29 KB
Lanthony Abbey, Monmouthshire, 1792.jpg 699.28 KB
Lanthony Abbey, Monmouthshire, 1834.jpg 299.81 KB
Le Havre - Sunset, 1827.jpg 277.7 KB
Life-Boat and Manby Apparatus going off to a Stranded Vessel making Signal of Distress, 1831.jpg 884 KB
Light and Color - Moses Writing the Book of Genesis, 1843.jpg 465.31 KB
Little Devil's Bridge over the Russ, above Altdorft, Swiss, 1809.jpg 849.61 KB
Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales, 1818.jpg 601.73 KB
London from Greenwich Park, 1809.jpg 412.33 KB
London from Greenwich, 1811.jpg 670.06 KB
Low Sun and Clowds over a Calm Sea, 1835.jpg 1.03 MB
Lowestoffe Lighthouse, 1827.jpg 711.71 KB
Lucerne from the Lake.jpg 1.24 MB
Lurleiberg.jpg 1.23 MB
Malmesbury Abbey, 1791.jpg 875.26 KB
Margate Harbour, 1845.jpg 305.73 KB
Margate, from the Sea.jpg 2.13 MB
Marine Dabblers.jpg 311.88 KB
Martello Towers, near Bexhill, Sussex, 1809.jpg 247.11 KB
Martinswand, near Innsbruck, 1833.jpg 257.51 KB
Matlock, 1794.jpg 483.66 KB
Mer de Glace, Chamonix, with Blair's Hut, 1806.jpg 624.86 KB
Mer de Glace, Valley of Chamouni, Savoy, 1812.jpg 288.6 KB
Mercury and Argus, 1836.jpg 814.5 KB
Mill near the Grand Chartreuse, Dauphiny.jpg 286.68 KB
Modern Italy - The Pifferari, 1838.jpg 886.74 KB
Modern Rome - Campo Vaccino.jpeg 368.76 KB
Mont Blanc, from above Courmayeur, 1810.jpg 621.35 KB
Moonlight on Lake Lucerne with the Rigi in the Distance, Switzerland, 1841.jpg 689.17 KB
Morning amongst the Coniston Fells, Cumberland.jpeg 891.79 KB
Morpeth North, 1809.jpg 600.89 KB
Mortlake Terrace, Early Summer Morning.jpg 3.61 MB
Mortlake Terrace, the Seat of William Moffat, Summer's Evening, 1827.jpg 858.4 KB
Mount Moriah, Jerusalem.jpg 1.11 MB
Mount Pilatus from across the Lake of Lucerne, 1842.jpg 346.49 KB
Mountain Landscape, 1840-45.jpg 842.33 KB
Mt. St. Gothard, 1808.jpg 702.96 KB
New Moon, 1840.jpg 1.03 MB
Nicholas Poussin's Birthplace, 1832.jpg 378.57 KB
Norbury Park, Surrey.jpeg 580.42 KB
Norham Castle on the Tweed, 1816.jpg 586.32 KB
Norham Castle, Sunrise, 1845.jpg 153.35 KB
Oberhofen, Lake Thun, 1848.jpg 274.21 KB
Oberwesel on the Rhine, 1839.jpg 187.39 KB
Off Yarmouth - A Steamship off the Coast in Rough Weather.jpg 796.79 KB
Old Welsh Bridge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1794.jpg 809.05 KB
On the Medway.jpg 420.42 KB
On the Mosel - Bernkastel, Kues and The Landshut, Germany.jpg 1.13 MB
On the Upper Rhine.jpeg 494.04 KB
Ostende, 1844.jpg 1.18 MB
Oyster Beds at Whitstable, Kent.jpeg 987.89 KB
Paris - Hotel de Ville, 1833.jpg 236.13 KB
Peace - Burial at Sea, 1842.jpg 442.05 KB
Peat Bog, Scotland, 1812.jpg 210.43 KB
Pembury Mill, Kent, 1808.jpg 783.3 KB
Perspective View of Fonthill Abbey from the South-West.jpeg 297.76 KB
Queen Mab's Grotto.jpg 351.72 KB
Quillebeuf, at the Mouth of Seine, 1833.jpg 122.26 KB
Rain, Steam, and Speed - The Great Western Railway, 1844.jpg 2.24 MB
Rainbow, 1835.jpg 311.69 KB
Red Sky over a Beach, 1840-45.jpg 732.21 KB
Regulus, 1828.jpg 358.44 KB
Remagen, Erpel and Linz, 1817.jpg 367.53 KB
Richmond Hill, on the Prince Regent's Birthday.jpeg 758.92 KB
Rivaux Abbey, Yorkshire, 1812.jpg 670.25 KB
River Scene (Fort on a Rock above a River).jpg 679.47 KB
River Scene with Weir in the Middle Distance, 1806-07.jpg 938.38 KB
River Wye.jpeg 642.95 KB
Rochester on the Medway.jpg 298.68 KB
Rome from Monte Mario, 1820.jpeg 431.2 KB
Rome, from Mount Aventine, 1836.jpg 773.62 KB
Rosslyn Castle, 1817.jpg 532.47 KB
Rotterdam Ferry Boat, 1833.jpg 789.72 KB
Saint Mary's Church, Nottingham, 1794.jpg 517.16 KB
Saltash with the Water Ferry, 1811.jpg 1011.94 KB
Saltwood Castle, Hythe, Kent.jpeg 757.39 KB
Santa Maria della Salute and Dogana.jpg 1.03 MB
Scene on the French Coast, 1807.jpg 829.51 KB
Seascape with Storm Coming on, 1840.jpg 832.34 KB
Self Portrait, 1799.jpg 238.21 KB
Self-Portrait, 1791-95.jpg 459.33 KB
Shipping at the Mouth of the Thames.jpeg 1 MB
Shipping off the Coast, near Dover, 1794-95.jpg 613.53 KB
Ships in a Breeze, 1808.jpg 881.43 KB
Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On), 1840.jpg 734.25 KB
Snow Storm - Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps, 1812.jpg 229.93 KB
Snow Storm - Steam Boat off a Harbor's Mouth Making Signals in Shallow Water, 1842.jpg 906.28 KB
Solway Moss, 1816.jpg 291.28 KB
Source of the Arveron in the Valley of Chamouni, Savoy, 1816.jpg 277.76 KB
South Gate of Sargans, 1794.jpg 330.93 KB
St Goarshausen and Katz Castle, 1817.jpg 804.73 KB
St Mary's Church, Dover.jpeg 777.43 KB
St. Erasmus in Bishop Islips Chapel, Westminster Abbey.jpg 338.27 KB
Storm at the Mouth of the Grand Canal, Venice, 1840.jpg 663.81 KB
Storm on Margate Sands, 1835-40.jpg 738.86 KB
Story of Apollo and Daphne, 1837.jpg 733.85 KB
Study of Chepstow Castle, 1793.jpg 298.26 KB
Study of Clouds and Wet Sand, 1845.jpg 981.91 KB
Study of Waves, 1840.jpg 585.99 KB
Sun Rising through Vapour.jpg 1.74 MB
Sun Setting over a Lake, 1840.jpg 973.54 KB
Sunrise with Sea Monsters, 1845.jpg 717.73 KB
Sunrise, with a Boat between Headlands, 1845.jpg 680.98 KB
Tewkesbury Abbey, 1794.jpg 618.63 KB
The Alcove, Isleworth, 1819.jpg 1021.28 KB
The Angel Standing in the Sun, 1846.jpg 499.81 KB
The Avon Gorge at Bristol, with the Old Hot Wells House.jpg 1.42 MB
The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805, 1823-24.jpg 280.94 KB
The Bay of Baiae, with Apollo and the Sibyl.jpeg 869.15 KB
The Bishop's Palace at Brescia, Northern Italy.jpg 414.13 KB
The Bridge at Vernon.jpg 1.5 MB
The Bridge in Middle Distance, 1808.jpg 740.72 KB
The Brunig Pass from Meringen, Switzerland.jpg 874.02 KB
The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons, 16th October 1834, 1835.jpg 463.23 KB
The Burning of the Houses of Parliament, 1835.jpg 280.87 KB
The Castel dell'Ovo, Naples, with Capri in the Distance, 1819.jpg 232.24 KB
The Chain Pier, Brighton.jpg 136.63 KB
The Chapter House Salisbury Cathedral.jpg 580.08 KB
The City of Utrecht, 64, Going to Sea, 1832.jpg 610.48 KB
The Clyde River, 1809.jpg 254.76 KB
The Constable's Tower, Dover Castle.jpg 803.49 KB
The Decline of the Carthaginian Empire, 1817.jpg 348.91 KB
The Dogana and Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, 1843.jpg 659.87 KB
The Drachenfels, 1817.jpg 907.21 KB
The Evening of the Deluge, 1843.jpg 835.47 KB
The Evening Star.jpg 2.39 MB
The Fall of the Clyde, 1801.jpg 320.76 KB
The Falls of Tivoli with the Temple of the Sibyl.jpg 589.35 KB
The Farm-Yard with the Cock, 1809.jpg 1.47 MB
The Fifth Plague of Egypt, 1800.jpg 398.62 KB
The Fighting Temeraire Tugged to Her Last Berth to be Broken up, 1838.jpg 1.86 MB
The Gateway, Rochester.jpeg 653.85 KB
The Glacier de Bossons, near Chamonix, Savoy, 1802.jpg 1.15 MB
The Grand Canal from below the Rialto Bridge, Venice, 1820.jpg 1.09 MB
The Grand Canal, Venice, 1834.jpg 847.81 KB
The Grand Canal, Venice.jpg 1.06 MB
The Harbor of Dieppe, 1826.jpg 2.87 MB
The Lake of Zug, Early Morning, 1843.jpg 1.09 MB
The Leader Sea Piece, 1809.jpg 656.06 KB
The Marxburg, 1817.jpg 588.1 KB
The Old Water Mill, 1794.jpg 586.05 KB
The Parting of Hero and Leander.jpg 2.8 MB
The Pass at Faido, St. Gotthard.jpg 1.42 MB
The Passage of the St. Gothard, 1804.jpg 248.03 KB
The Ponte Delle Torri, Spoleto.jpeg 587.65 KB
The Pyramids at Gizeh, 1832.jpg 204.16 KB
The Rainbow, 1835.jpg 302.64 KB
The River Esclavons, 1840.jpg 864.42 KB
The Rock of Gibraltar, with Shipping in the Foreground.jpg 1.3 MB
The Sarner See, Evening, 1842.jpg 816.39 KB
The Shipwreck, 1805.jpg 328.46 KB
The Straw Yard, 1808.jpg 648.05 KB
The Sun of Venice Going to Sea, 1843.jpeg 1022.75 KB
The Temple of Jupiter Panellenius Restored.jpeg 328.42 KB
The Thames above Waterloo Bridge, 1830-35.jpeg 599.93 KB
The Thames near Walton Bridges.jpeg 871.08 KB
The West Front of Bath Abbey, 1793.JPG 102.45 KB
The Whale Ship, 1845.jpg 1.17 MB
The Wreck Buoy, 1849.jpg 799.54 KB
Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, 1815.jpg 212.51 KB
Tivoli, the Cascatelle.jpeg 833.25 KB
Trees beside the River, with Bridge in the Middle Distance.jpeg 769.96 KB
Ullswater Lake from Gowbarrow Park, Cumberland, 1815.jpg 689.46 KB
Ulysses deriding Polyphemus - Homer's Odyssey.jpg 2.25 MB
Undine Giving the Ring to Massaniello, Fisherman of Naples, 1846.jpg 110.91 KB
Union of the Thames and Isis (Dorchester Mead, Oxfordshire).jpeg 949.09 KB
Upper Falls of the Reichenbach, 1802.jpg 595.6 KB
Val d'Aosta, 1840-50.jpg 666.74 KB
Veduta della gola di Faido, 1842.jpg 338.56 KB
Venetian Scene, 1840-50.jpg 895.7 KB
Venice from Fusina, 1821.jpeg 369.41 KB
Venice with the Salute, 1840-45.jpg 614.54 KB
Venice, Campo Santo.jpg 345.79 KB
Venice, Dogano, San Giorgio, Citella from the Steps of the Europa, 1842.jpeg 857.67 KB
Venice, from the Porch of Madonna della Salute, 1835.jpg 1.25 MB
Venice, San Giorgio Maggiore in the Morning.jpg 377.58 KB
Venice, the Bridge of Sighs.jpeg 1.12 MB
Venice, The Rialto, 1821-23.jpg 556.68 KB
View from the Terrace of a Villa at Niton, Isle of Wight, from Sketches by a Lady 1826.jpg 316.11 KB
View of Bregenz, 1840.jpg 641.18 KB
View of Corinth, Greece.jpg 1.11 MB
View of Dunster Castle from the Northeast.jpg 811.21 KB
View of Kenilworth Castle, 1830.jpg 257.84 KB
View of London from Greenwich, 1825.jpg 1.02 MB
View of Richmond Hill and Bridge.jpeg 1.01 MB
View of the Archbishop's Palace, Lambeth, 1790.jpg 383.96 KB
View on the River Brent, North London.jpg 852.14 KB
Ville de Thun, Swiss.jpg 222.57 KB
Virginia Water.jpeg 370.59 KB
Vision of Medea, 1828.jpg 996.8 KB
Walton Reach.jpeg 774.45 KB
Watercolor Drawing, 1888.jpg 762.27 KB
Watercress Gatherers, 1819.jpg 230.6 KB
Waves Breaking on the Beach.jpg 149.51 KB
Whalers (Boiling Blubber) Entangled in Flaw Ice, 1846.jpg 323.04 KB
Whalers (The Whale Ship), 1845.jpg 252.93 KB
What You Will, 1822.jpg 1.13 MB
Woman and Tombourine, 1808.jpg 306.65 KB
Wreck on the Goodwin Sands, Sunset.jpg 128.67 KB
Wreckers - Coast of Northumberland, with a Steam-Boat Assisting a Ship Off Shore, 1834.jpg 801.78 KB
Wreckers, 1845.jpg 669.16 KB
Yarmouth Harbour, Norfolk, 1840.jpg 1.37 MB