[Coursera.org] Greek and Roman Mythology [FULL COURSE]
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5BF701126F4C5462FC2C0140956EE61742ABAAB3&dn=[Coursera.org] Greek and Roman Mythology [FULL COURSE]
2.76 GB
2016-2-3 13:32
2025-3-4 10:31
5 - 1 - Screenside Chat 2.mp4 105.22 MB
3 - 1 - Screenside Chat 1.mp4 102.07 MB
11 - 1 - Screenside Chat 5.mp4 101.85 MB
9 - 11 - Screenside Chat 4.mp4 91.72 MB
8 - 10 - Screenside Chat 3.mp4 91.22 MB
1 - 2 - 1.2 Course Overview (2028).mp4 56.65 MB
3 - 2 - 3.1 Odysseus and the Cyclops (1959).mp4 52.46 MB
2 - 3 - 2.3 Telemachus Tour (1530).mp4 47.69 MB
10 - 4 - 10.4 OvidBackground and Themes (1708).mp4 44.83 MB
1 - 1 - 1.1 What is Myth (1443).mp4 41.43 MB
7 - 1 - 7.1 Introduction to Tragedy (1454).mp4 41.27 MB
7 - 2 - 7.2 Family Ties Betrayals (1448).mp4 40.27 MB
5 - 6 - 5.5 Earth and Sky (1620).mp4 40.13 MB
1 - 4 - 1.4 Ideas on Myth from the Modern Era (1617).mp4 39.88 MB
1 - 7 - 1.7 On Reading Homer (1444).mp4 38.72 MB
1 - 5 - 1.5 The Trojan War The World of Homer (1608).mp4 38.58 MB
9 - 9 - 9.9 Dido and Marriage (1440).mp4 38.36 MB
3 - 7 - 3.6 Structuralism (1630).mp4 38.17 MB
1 - 6 - 1.6 Trojan War Aftermath and The Homer Question (1425).mp4 36.76 MB
5 - 4 - 5.3 Intro to Hesiod (1501).mp4 35.51 MB
10 - 1 - 10.1 The Afterlife and the Underworld (1339).mp4 34.15 MB
3 - 5 - 3.4 Cycle 3 The Cattle of the Sun (1320).mp4 33.76 MB
9 - 7 - 9.7 Retelling Tales (1209).mp4 33.59 MB
4 - 3 - 4.3 What Does Penelope Know (1239).mp4 33.17 MB
5 - 9 - 5.8 War Cosmos Reproduction (1417).mp4 32.91 MB
3 - 4 - 3.3 The Underworld (1242).mp4 32.89 MB
2 - 4 - 2.4 Odysseus on Ogygia (1234).mp4 32.84 MB
7 - 9 - 7.9 Historical Background (1124).mp4 31.25 MB
6 - 6 - 6.6 The Hymn to Apollo Delphi (1306).mp4 30.44 MB
10 - 3 - 10.3 Vergil and the Theories of Myth (1146).mp4 30.28 MB
9 - 8 - 9.8 Two Themes (1244).mp4 29.95 MB
4 - 1 - 4.1 Odysseus Meets the Suitors (1200).mp4 29.68 MB
5 - 10 - 5.9 Freud (1220).mp4 29.51 MB
10 - 2 - 10.2 Themes in the Underworld (1208).mp4 28.86 MB
4 - 7 - 4.7 Reunion (Almost) (1225).mp4 28.55 MB
1 - 3 - 1.3 Ancient Ideas on Myth (1144).mp4 28.32 MB
9 - 2 - 9.2 Myth History and Virgil (1245).mp4 28.13 MB
6 - 7 - 6.7 Myth and Ritual (1225).mp4 27.99 MB
10 - 5 - 10.5 Re-visiting Thebes (1133).mp4 27.48 MB
6 - 3 - 6.3 The Hymn to Demeter (1037).mp4 27.37 MB
4 - 4 - 4.4 The Scar (1102).mp4 27.25 MB
6 - 2 - 6.2 Ritual and Religion (1058).mp4 26.73 MB
9 - 4 - 9.4 On Reading Vergil (1224).mp4 26.61 MB
6 - 4 - 6.4 Themes in The Hymn to Demeter (1108).mp4 26.61 MB
2 - 2 - 2.2 Telemachus Troubles (1034).mp4 26.49 MB
2 - 6 - 2.6 Alcinous (950).mp4 26.41 MB
2 - 5 - 2.5 Odysseus on Scheria (1045).mp4 26.35 MB
7 - 7 - 7.7 Intro to the Eumenides (1056).mp4 25.33 MB
2 - 9 - 2.9 Reassembling the Hero (1125).mp4 25.09 MB
3 - 8 - 3.7 Inner and Outer Worlds (957).mp4 24.91 MB
2 - 10 - 2.10 Poetry and Demodocus (1003).mp4 24.88 MB
8 - 7 - 8.7 Greek and Dionysian Ritual (1032).mp4 24.6 MB
4 - 2 - 4.2 Signs as a Way of Knowing (1034).mp4 24.59 MB
8 - 9 - 8.9 Reading The Bacchae (1107).mp4 24.1 MB
5 - 5 - 5.4 Hesiods Opening Hymn to the Muses (1058).mp4 24.05 MB
4 - 6 - 4.6 The Bow (937).mp4 23.99 MB
8 - 5 - 8.5 Chthonic Identity (1052).mp4 23.82 MB
7 - 4 - 7.4 Agamemnon Themes (1049).mp4 23.59 MB
8 - 2 - 8.2 Oedipus and Fate (804).mp4 23.55 MB
7 - 5 - 7.5 Ideas of Justice (1047).mp4 23.31 MB
9 - 1 - 9.1 Myth and History (1043).mp4 23.07 MB
9 - 3 - 9.3 Aeneid Opening (1024).mp4 23.02 MB
6 - 5 - 6.5 The Hymn to Apollo Delos (845).mp4 22.95 MB
9 - 10 - 9.10 Funeral Games for Anchises (850).mp4 22.74 MB
2 - 8 - 2.8 Functionalism (904).mp4 22.24 MB
8 - 3 - 8.3 Oedipus and Oracles (1001).mp4 21.93 MB
3 - 6 - 3.5 Food_Not Food (907).mp4 21.58 MB
9 - 6 - 9.6 Trojan War Again (922).mp4 21.28 MB
3 - 9 - 3.8 Extracting Knowledge (810).mp4 21.22 MB
10 - 6 - 10.6 Trojan War Again (756).mp4 20.76 MB
9 - 5 - 9.5 Landing on an Unknown Shore (934).mp4 19.93 MB
6 - 1 - 6.1 Introduction to the Homeric Hymns (842).mp4 19.13 MB
4 - 8 - 4.8 Reunion (916).mp4 19.13 MB
3 - 3 - 3.2 Cycle Two Circe (734).mp4 19.05 MB
4 - 5 - 4.5 Penelopes Dream (813).mp4 18.85 MB
3 - 11 - 3.10 Reunion Father and Sons (730).mp4 17.82 MB
5 - 3 - 5.2 Hesiod and Ancient Near East Connections (642).mp4 17.74 MB
10 - 8 - 10.8 The Fall of Troy and the Founding of Rome (630).mp4 17.01 MB
5 - 8 - 5.7 Humans and Sacrifice (654).mp4 16.78 MB
8 - 8 - 8.8 Bacchae Themes (648).mp4 16.66 MB
7 - 3 - 7.3 Introducing Agamemnon (717).mp4 16.64 MB
8 - 1 - 8.1 Introduction to Oedipus (714).mp4 16.12 MB
8 - 6 - 8.6 Readings of Oedipus (744).mp4 16.04 MB
2 - 7 - 2.7 Knee-Grabbing (711).mp4 15.9 MB
5 - 7 - 5.6 Kronos and Rhea (650).mp4 15.89 MB
10 - 7 - 10.7 Battle for the Arms of Achilles (541).mp4 15.28 MB
7 - 6 - 7.6 Libation Bearers (659).mp4 15.1 MB
7 - 8 - 7.8 Measuring Evil (520).mp4 13.2 MB
8 - 4 - 8.4 The Land and Identity (535).mp4 12.58 MB
3 - 10 - 3.9 Meanwhile Telemachus... (458).mp4 11.35 MB
2 - 1 - 2.1 On Reading Homer Part II (438).mp4 11.03 MB
7 - 10 - 7.10 Readings of the Oresteia (505).mp4 10.88 MB
5 - 2 - 5.1 Introducing the Greek Gods (351).mp4 9.05 MB
10 - 9 - 10.9 Conclusion (221).mp4 5.91 MB