Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop - Volume I - The Early Years (1963-1969)
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:465B2175DDB7D27EBA3B6A423A63B6F0F44B0775&dn=Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop - Volume I - The Early Years (1963-1969)
96.99 MB
2008-1-28 12:46
2025-3-4 18:34
01 - Delia Derbyshire, assisted by Dick Mills - Doctor Who (Original Theme).mp3 2.69 MB
02 - Brian Hodgson - 'An Unearthly Child' (Pilot Episode)- TARDIS Exterior Hum and Door (original).mp3 472.82 KB
03 - Brian Hodgson - 'An Unearthly Child' (Pilot Episode)- Entry into the TARDIS.mp3 805.97 KB
04 - Brian Hodgson - 'An Unearthly Child' (Pilot Episode)- TARDIS- Original Takeoff Sequence.mp3 2.04 MB
05 - Delia Derbyshire, assisted by Dick Mills - Doctor Who (Original Titles Music).mp3 2.47 MB
06 - Brian Hodgson - 'An Unearthly Child' (Serial A)- TARDIS Takeoff.mp3 1.6 MB
07 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Daleks' (Serial B)- Skaro- Petrified Forest Atmosphere ('Thal Wind').mp3 2.03 MB
08 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Daleks' (Serial B)- TARDIS Computer.mp3 1.31 MB
09 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Daleks' (Serial B)- Dalek City Corridor.mp3 1.18 MB
10 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Daleks' (Serial B)- Dalek Control Room.mp3 523.81 KB
11 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Daleks' (Serial B)- Capsule Oscillation (Dalek Destructor Fuse,Bomb Countdown).mp3 386.09 KB
12 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Edge Of Destruction' (Serial C)- Explosion, TARDIS Stops.mp3 1.35 MB
13 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Keys Of Marinus' (Serial E)- Sleeping Machine.mp3 1.01 MB
14 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Sensorites' (Serial G)- Sensorite Speech Background.mp3 1.34 MB
15 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Chase' (Serial R)- Dalek Spaceship Lands.mp3 336.06 KB
16 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Chase' (Serial R)- TARDIS Lands.mp3 223.29 KB
17 - Brian Hodgson - 'Galaxy Four' (Serial T)- Chumbley (constant run).mp3 543.21 KB
18 - Brian Hodgson - 'Galaxy Four' (Serial T)- Chumbley at rest.mp3 555.44 KB
19 - Brian Hodgson - 'Galaxy Four' (Serial T)- Chumbley sends message.mp3 151.37 KB
20 - Brian Hodgson - 'Galaxy Four' (Serial T)- Chumbley dome (rises,falls,rises,falls).mp3 395.26 KB
21 - Brian Hodgson - 'Galaxy Four' (Serial T)- Chumbley dies.mp3 224.32 KB
22 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Dalek's Masterplan' (Serial V)- Activity on Dalek Ship Control Panel.mp3 909.04 KB
23 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Savages' (Serial AA)- Energy Escapes.mp3 448.81 KB
24 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Tenth Planet' (Serial DD)- Machinery in TARDIS Goes Wild (Regeneration).mp3 1.21 MB
25 - Brian Hodgson and Dick Mills - 'The Power Of The Daleks' (Serial EE)- Regeneration Runs Down.mp3 199.86 KB
26 - Brian Hodgson and Dick Mills - 'The Power Of The Daleks' (Serial EE)- The Doctor's Transitional Trauma.mp3 1.01 MB
27 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Underwater Menace' (Serial GG)- The Fish People (Incidental Music).mp3 731.49 KB
28 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Macra Terror' (Serial JJ)- Heartbeat Chase.mp3 2.24 MB
29 - Delia Derbyshire - 'The Macra Terror' (Serial JJ)- Chromophone Band.mp3 2.22 MB
30 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Macra Terror' (Serial JJ)- Contoller Chimes.mp3 213.61 KB
31 - John Baker - 'The Macra Terror' (Serial JJ)- Musak (from 'Time in Advance').mp3 3.8 MB
32 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Macra Terror' (Serial JJ)- Propaganda sleep machine.mp3 1.31 MB
33 - Delia Derbyshire - 'The Macra Terror' (Serial JJ)- Doctor Who (New Opening Theme, 1967).mp3 1012.1 KB
34 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Web Of Fear' (Serial QQ)- Sting & Web (Cocooning Interior),Cobweb Pulsates.mp3 2.39 MB
35 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Web Of Fear' (Serial QQ)- 4 Stings.mp3 369.22 KB
36 - Brian Hodgson - 'Fury From The Deep' (Serial RR)- Mr Oak and Mr Quill (Incidental Music).mp3 778.94 KB
37 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Lead-in to Cyber Planner.mp3 296.79 KB
38 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Cyber Planner Background.mp3 729.44 KB
39 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Cybermen Stab & Music.mp3 1.76 MB
40 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Rocket Stab.mp3 176.36 KB
41 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Birth of Cybermats.mp3 868.72 KB
42 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Cybermats attracted to Wheel.mp3 780.46 KB
43 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Rocket in Space.mp3 2.09 MB
44 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Interior Rocket (Suspense Music).mp3 2.2 MB
45 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Servo Robot Music.mp3 1.68 MB
46 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Wheel Stab.mp3 297.28 KB
47 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Cosmos Atmosphere.mp3 1.31 MB
48 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Alien Ship Music.mp3 1.16 MB
49 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Jarvis in a Dream State.mp3 937.09 KB
50 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- Floating Through Space.mp3 1.43 MB
51 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Wheel In Space' (Serial SS)- 2 Stabs.mp3 222.28 KB
52 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Dominators' (Serial TT)- TARDIS (New Landing).mp3 362.08 KB
53 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Dominators' (Serial TT)- Galaxy Atmosphere.mp3 1.23 MB
54 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Dominators' (Serial TT)- Tension Builder (a).mp3 886.06 KB
55 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Dominators' (Serial TT)- Tension Builder (b).mp3 801.37 KB
56 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Dominators' (Serial TT)- Tension Builder (d).mp3 1.28 MB
57 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Dominators' (Serial TT)- Low Sting.mp3 209.52 KB
58 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Mind Robber' (Serial UU)- TARDIS- Extra Power Unit Plugged In.mp3 2.16 MB
59 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Mind Robber' (Serial UU)- Zoe's Theme.mp3 1.52 MB
60 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Mind Robber' (Serial UU)- White Void.mp3 1.46 MB
61 - John Baker - 'The Invasion' (Serial VV)- Muzak (from 'Time in Advance').mp3 3.22 MB
62 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Invasion' (Serial VV)- Cyberman brought to life.mp3 1.39 MB
63 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Invasion' (Serial VV)- Cyber Invasion.mp3 2.52 MB
64 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Krotons' (Serial WW)- The Learning Hall.mp3 3.06 MB
65 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Krotons' (Serial WW)- Entry into the Machine.mp3 1.79 MB
66 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Krotons' (Serial WW)- Sting.mp3 374.82 KB
67 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Krotons' (Serial WW)- Machine and City Theme.mp3 2.1 MB
68 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Krotons' (Serial WW)- Kroton Theme.mp3 2.55 MB
69 - Brian Hodgson - 'The Space Pirates' (Serial YY)- TARDIS Land.mp3 511.57 KB
70 - Brian Hodgson - 'The War Games' (Serial ZZ)- Alien Control Centre.mp3 539.63 KB
71 - Brian Hodgson - 'The War Games' (Serial ZZ)- Time Zone Atmosphere.mp3 797.8 KB
72 - Brian Hodgson - 'The War Games' (Serial ZZ)- Dimensional Control (SIDRAT dimensions contract).mp3 978.44 KB
73 - Brian Hodgson - 'The War Games' (Serial ZZ)- War Lord Arrival.mp3 322.79 KB
74 - Brian Hodgson - 'The War Games' (Serial ZZ)- Silver Box (The Doctor calls for help).mp3 1.2 MB
75 - Brian Hodgson - 'The War Games' (Serial ZZ)- Time Lord Court Atmosphere.mp3 1.5 MB
76 - Delia Derbyshire - Doctor Who (Closing Titles).mp3 822.27 KB