113.7 MB
2015-9-7 12:03
2025-3-3 07:53
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/02.01.01 Improving your career, conversation.mp3 3.35 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/22.03.04 Presentation about Tara Fashions.mp3 2.72 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/49.06.06 Case Study- Organising a conference.mp3 2.16 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/27.04.04 Marketing meeting at Freestyle.mp3 1.99 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/23.03.05 Case Study- Valentino Chocolates.mp3 1.7 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/28.04.05 Case study- Fabtek.mp3 1.64 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/13.02.01 Interview with Indira Thambiah, part 1.mp3 1.5 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/32.05.04 Staff health and fitness discussion, part 1.mp3 1.4 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/24.04.01 Extract from talk by Head of R&D Department.mp3 1.38 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/25.04.02 Interview with Kate Pitts, part 1.mp3 1.33 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/14.02.02 Interview with Indira Thambiah, part 2.mp3 1.3 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/43.06.04 Entertainment programme.mp3 1.25 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/17.02.05 Negotiation, part 2.mp3 1.23 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/40.06.01 Interview with Lionel Prenat.mp3 1.22 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/26.04.03 Interview with Kate Pitts, part 2.mp3 1.15 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/33.05.05 Staff health and fitness discussion, part 2.mp3 1.13 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/41.06.02 Interview with Isabelle Macart, part 1.mp3 1.07 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/18.02.06 Negotiation, part 3.mp3 1.02 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/04.01.03 Telephone call 1.mp3 1.01 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/19.03.01 Interview with Peter Jelkeby, part 1.mp3 996 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/15.02.03 Interview with Indira Thambiah, part 3.mp3 938 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/31.05.03 Interview with Alan Bradshaw, part 3.mp3 888 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/29.05.01 Interview with Alan Bradshaw, part 1.mp3 786 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/39.05.06 Case Study- Genova Vending Machines, speaker 6.mp3 746 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/20.03.02 Interview with Peter Jelkeby, part 2.mp3 730 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/30.05.02 Interview with Alan Bradshaw, part 2.mp3 702 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/06.01.05 Telephone call 3.mp3 702 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/16.02.04 Negotiation, part 1.mp3 676 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/03.01.02 Improving your career, extracts from conversation.mp3 674 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/34.05.06 Case Study- Genova Vending Machines, speaker 1.mp3 600 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/42.06.03 Interview with Isabelle Macart, part 2.mp3 592 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/05.01.04 Telephone call 2.mp3 584 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/21.03.03 Interview with Peter Jelkeby, part 3.mp3 570 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/38.05.06 Case Study- Genova Vending Machines, speaker 5.mp3 552 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/44.06.05 Conference conversation 1.mp3 540 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/10.01.07 Case study- Fast-Track- Interview 2, extract 2.mp3 516 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/07.01.06 Case study- Fast-Track- Interview 1, extract 1.mp3 452 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/11.01.08 Case study- Fast-Track- Interview 3, extract 1.mp3 444 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/35.05.06 Case Study- Genova Vending Machines, speaker 2.mp3 440 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/45.06.05 Conference conversation 2.mp3 438 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/48.06.05 Conference conversation 5.mp3 438 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/08.01.06 Case study- Fast-Track- Interview 1, extract 2.mp3 432 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/47.06.05 Conference conversation 4.mp3 430 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/09.01.07 Case study- Fast-Track- Interview 2, extract 1.mp3 420 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/37.05.06 Case Study- Genova Vending Machines, speaker 4.mp3 390 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/36.05.06 Case Study- Genova Vending Machines, speaker 3.mp3 332 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/46.06.05 Conference conversation 3.mp3 262 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/01.Intrduction.mp3 256 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/12.01.08 Case study- Fast-Track- Interview 3, extract 2.mp3 256 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/38.10.02 Interview with Eileen Carroll, part 2.mp3 2.27 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/18.08.02 Interview with Teresa Graham, part 1.mp3 2.16 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/20.08.04 Interview with Teresa Graham, part 3.mp3 2.11 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/44.11.04 Interview with Roger Mumby-Croft, part 3.mp3 2.07 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/46.11.06 Dealing with numbers.mp3 2.06 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/40.10.04 Case study- European Campers.mp3 1.98 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/21.08.05 Planning group meeting.mp3 1.91 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/57.12.02 Presenting a product.mp3 1.79 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/11.07.08 Telephone conversation, part 2.mp3 1.68 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/39.10.03 Negotiation meeting.mp3 1.59 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/37.10.01 Interview with Eileen Carroll, part 1.mp3 1.47 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/07.07.04 Interview with Jonathan Turner, part 3.mp3 1.39 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/17.08.01 Planning a new sales office.mp3 1.24 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/19.08.03 Interview with Teresa Graham, part 2.mp3 1.23 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/05.07.02 Interview with Jonathan Turner, part 1.mp3 1.21 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/27.09.01 Interview with Nigel Nicholson, part 1.mp3 1.17 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/10.07.07 Telephone conversation, part 1.mp3 1.15 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/41.11.01 Economic profile.mp3 1.09 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/42.11.02 Interview with Roger Mumby-Croft, part 1.mp3 1.03 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/43.11.03 Interview with Roger Mumby-Croft, part 2.mp3 1.01 MB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/35.09.06 Marta and Sven, conversation 1.mp3 964 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/29.09.03 Interview with Nigel Nicholson, part 3.mp3 934 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/28.09.02 Interview with Nigel Nicholson, part 2.mp3 900 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/36.09.07 Marta and Sven, conversation 2.mp3 832 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/06.07.03 Interview with Jonathan Turner, part 2.mp3 774 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/34.09.05 Rachel and Alexandra.mp3 740 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/09.07.06 Alphabet.mp3 722 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/55.12.01 Best buys, speaker 5.mp3 624 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/45.11.05 Kate North.mp3 584 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/08.07.05 Telephone numbers.mp3 580 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/54.12.01 Best buys, speaker 4.mp3 554 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/56.12.01 Best buys, speaker 6.mp3 550 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/13.07.09 Case study- Kristal Water, interview 2.mp3 482 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/52.12.01 Best buys, speaker 2.mp3 472 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/51.12.01 Best buys, speaker 1.mp3 408 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/01.07.01 Product description, consumer A.mp3 384 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/22.08.06 Case study- The voice of business, speaker 1.mp3 380 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/32.09.04 Voicemail message 3.mp3 374 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/12.07.09 Case study- Kristal Water, interview 1.mp3 356 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/30.09.04 Voicemail message 1.mp3 338 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/47.11.07 Radio business programme, excert 1.mp3 328 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/31.09.04 Voicemail message 2.mp3 310 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/33.09.04 Voicemail message 4.mp3 292 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/15.07.09 Case study- Kristal Water, interview 4.mp3 268 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/50.11.07 Radio business programme, excert 4.mp3 266 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/48.11.07 Radio business programme, excert 2.mp3 258 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/53.12.01 Best buys, speaker 3.mp3 252 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/25.08.06 Case study- The voice of business, speaker 4.mp3 244 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/26.08.06 Case study- The voice of business, speaker 5.mp3 232 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/14.07.09 Case study- Kristal Water, interview 3.mp3 228 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/03.07.01 Product description, consumer C.mp3 210 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/16.07.09 Case study- Kristal Water, interview 5.mp3 202 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/49.11.07 Radio business programme, excert 3.mp3 202 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/04.07.01 Product description, consumer D.mp3 200 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/23.08.06 Case study- The voice of business, speaker 2.mp3 198 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/24.08.06 Case study- The voice of business, speaker 3.mp3 192 KB
Audio_Pre-Int_course_book/02.07.01 Product description, consumer B.mp3 190 KB
New Pre-Intermediate New Course Book.pdf 8.02 MB